Hello All,

Netcraft are doing a talk and workshop on vulnerabilities in apps this Wednesday, as well as our usual geek night. We also have advanced notice about our TGM in 5th week, and an external talk from Ensoft.

Netcraft - Stealing App Credentials for Fun & Profit

Lecture Theatre A - 7:00pm Wednesday (4th week)

Netcraft are running a workshop where you can learn how to find networking vulnerabilities in apps used by millions of people. Bring your own laptop, phone or tablet to take part. Netcraft has discovered a large number of Android & IOS apps which do not implement SSL certificate validation correctly – allowing an attacker to carry out a ‘man-in-the-middle attack’, where they place themselves between the app and the real server. We will give a short tutorial outlining and illustrating the concept, followed by a hands-on competition to see who can MitM the apps used by the largest number of people in the time available. Netcraft staff will be available when you want help. Food & drinks will be provided.

Geek Night 4
Undergraduate Social Area - 7:00pm Saturday (4th week)

Our fourth geek night of term. Come along for the usual chatting, games, coding and refreshments.

Termly General Meeting

UGSA - 7:00pm Wednesday (5th week)

Our termly general meeting is the chance for the committee to report our progress to members, and for members to vote and submit motions to influence the direction of the society. All are welcome to attend but you must be a member to submit or vote on actions.
Please submit any questions or motions to the committee at committee@ox.compsoc.net.

Ensoft Technical Lecture

Lecture Theatre A - 1:00pm Tuesday (6th week)

Saving the world one handset at a time: mobile phones and building the Internet
The mobile phone is transforming lives across the planet, and is becoming the primary gateway to the Internet for billions of people. Beyond the handset, this evolution poses daunting technical challenges for the construction of the Internet infrastructure, and the complex software that brings the network itself to life.
This talk is an accessible introduction to large-scale mobile networking today, from both real-world and computer science perspectives.
The presenter is Director & CTO of Ensoft, whose experience includes helping to bring into existence the Guinness Book of Records' "World's Highest Capacity Internet Router".
Free food and drink will also be provided.

Cameron Alsop
President - Oxford University Computer Society