Tech Talk: Distracted? Let’s Demand a New Kind of Design that Helps Us Spend Our Time Well
- Tristan Harris - Product Philosopher, Google -
- James Williams - Google / Oxford PhD in Philosophy -
Event Description:
What if technology could distract us less, and respect our time & attention more? What would that world look like - and how could we build it? This question has been the focus of our Design Ethics work and thinking over the past two years at Google. In this talk we will give an overview of why we believe distraction, especially when it hijacks our collective psychological vulnerabilities, is one of the major unaddressed questions of the Information Age. In addition, we’ll suggest concrete steps you can take today - whether you’re a product engineer/designer, a business leader, or a user - to help technology design toward greater respect for users’ time and attention.
For background information, see Tristan’s TEDx talk in Brussels last month:
Tech Talk with CoreFiling: IPv6
Event Description:
IPv6 is the next generation of the Internet Protocol. We'll talk about some of the practical details of its use, and attempt to separate fact from fiction about the world running out of IPv4 addresses and the impact this will have.
David North and Stephen White are both CompSoc alumni and IPv6 early adopters, and now work for local software company CoreFiling.