Hi everyone,

The news you’ve all been waiting for: CompSocks are here! If you ordered them then you can come down and pick them up at any of the remaining Geek Nights! Please remember to bring £3 for each pair that you want to buy. If you didn’t order them then we have some spare pairs that you can come down and buy as well. Remember to come and grab your stash as well if you haven’t already!

Remember to follow CompSoc on Instagram!

Have a great week,

The CompSoc committee


Geek Night 7

19:00 Saturday, Week 7, UGSA, Department of Computer Science

Take a break from revision to come and relax in the UGSA.

Geek Night 8

19:00 Saturday, Week 8, UGSA, Department of Computer Science

Take another break from revision to come and relax in the UGSA.

The Oxford University Computer Society (CompSoc) aims to organise meetings and events for our members to use and further their computing interests. See all of our upcoming events on our Facebook page or visit our website for more information about the society.

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