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3rd Week

MT3 Newsletter : Crewdate, Peter Millican Talk, Learn To Code, Competitive Programming + MORE!! 

Greetings everyone, 

Get ready for an exciting week ahead! We've got 4 amazing events lined up that you won't want to miss. 

On Thursday we have much awaited talk from Peter Millican about the logical route to the Turing Machine. And coming up this weekend, we have the second Learn To Code session (even if you missed the first one, come along and we'll get you caught up) as well as a crewdate with PhySoc. (Make note, it's on Sunday)

- Charlotte, CompSoc secretary

Still not a member? Membership only costs £1 for LIFE, with tons of benefits - discounts on merch and tickets, free food at all socials, our exclusive Discord server and more - so it's definitely worth signing up!

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Talk: The Logical Route to the Turing Machine with Peter Millican

The Logical Route to the Turing Machine: What inspired Alan Turing to Invent Computer Science?

Turing’s 1936 paper was a landmark in the history of computer science - but how exactly did it come about? In this talk, we will discuss the philosophical origins of the Turing machine and the paradox that inspired it.

Speaker Bio:

Peter Millican originally studied Mathematics at Oxford, but graduated in Philosophy and Theology before moving into postgraduate study in Philosophy (also at Oxford). After a brief spell lecturing in Philosophy of Religion at Glasgow, from 1985 until 2005 he lectured in Computer Science and Philosophy at Leeds University, where much of his work was devoted to building interdisciplinary links. In 2005 he became Gilbert Ryle Fellow at Hertford College, then Reader in Early Modern Philosophy in 2007, and Professor of Philosophy in 2010.

When: 5-6PM, Thursday 26th October

Where: Tony Hoare Room, Robert Hooke Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PR

Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/3kxxVM9sz

Learn To Code

We will be having our second session of the Learn to Code series, aimed at complete beginners! Our amazing coding officer will guide you through learning Python, from the absolute basics to making your very own game by the end of the course. If you've ever wanted to pick up coding, but felt it was hard, frustrating, or just didn't know where to start, this is the perfect event series for you. Non-members and members alike are free to come along!

Also don't worry if you missed the first session, we will try our best to bring you up to speed. 

When: 5:30-6:30PM, Weeks 3,5,7 Saturday (next session will be on 28 Oct)

Where: Jesus College, Oxford OX1 3DW (Exact room TBC)

Please kindly fill in this Google Form if you wish to attend so that we can tell you where it will be held inside Jesus college as soon as it is confirmed by email. (There is no need to fill in the form again if you have filled in a similar form before) 

Week 3 Sunday Social: Crewdate With PhysSoc

We're back with another collab with the Oxford University Physics Society, so mark your calendar's for this Sunday. We've got drinks, pub quiz questions, and even free food on the menu. What more could you ask for? 

IMPORTANT: Please turn up on time by 7:15pm or we cannot guarantee Jamals lets you in. Bring you own alcohol if you want something specific.

Also please could you 
fill out the following form so we can get a sense of how many people will be coming.

When: 7:15PM, Sunday 29th October

Where: Jamal's, 107-108 Walton St, Oxford OX2 6AJ

Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/1eKw8gFa4

Competitive Programming: Mashup Contest

Join us for a classic mashup contest at the UGSA! There will be problems aimed at both beginners and experienced competitors, and of course lots of free snacks. There will also be an opportunity after the contest to discuss some problems and socialise with fellow competitors!

When: 7-9PM, Monday 30th October

Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG

Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/1EZeucqh8

And More...

Jane Street: One log to rule them all - How to keep state straight in distributed systems

At Jane Street, we rely heavily on inter-process communication and real-time message passing to drive many of our most critical systems, including those that ingest marketdata and implement trading strategies. As we scale up the number of components, however, it becomes increasingly difficult to reason about the consistency and correctness of the overall system.

In this talk, we explore how transaction logs, state machine replication, and control flow inversion have allowed us to structure our applications in a way that lets us reliably deal with data races and process failures. We introduce Aria, a low-latency framework built on top of these ideas that has helped Jane Street scale our trading infrastructure while making it more performant, testable, and robust.

After the talk join us for Pizza and networking with Pedro and a Jane Street recruiter.

Sign up here by 5pm on Tuesday 24th October. We will send a confirmation email with event details on Wednesday 25th October.

Presented by: Pedro Flemming

When: 1-2:30PM, Thursday 26th October

Where: University of Oxford, LTA Lecture Theatre, CS Department

Jane Street: Sales and Trading internship - Get to Know us

Who: 2025 graduates currently studying towards a bachelor's or master's degree interested in roles within Sales.

When:  Tuesday 7th November, 17:30-18:30 GMT

Where: Virtual, via Zoom

Join us on Tuesday 7th November - 17:30-18:30 GMT to learn more about our European Sales & Trading internship. This will be an opportunity for you to learn more about our sales and trading internship programme and hear from our sales and recruiting teams.

Please submit this form by 23:59 pm BST on Sunday 5th November if you're interested in attending. 

If you aren’t a fit for this event, we are running many other other programs and events that you may be better suited for. Check out this page throughout the year for updates and information on our various programs and the application processes. 

Check Out OxWoCS!

Make sure to join OxWoCS (Oxford Women in CS), a society we're working closely with, if you identify as a woman or woman-adjacent person in CS! They have a host of wonderful events on, including talks, panels and socials. Computer Science is unfortunately a subject with one of the biggest gender gaps in Oxford and worldwide, and addressing this is at the core of OxWoCS.

MT Term Card

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