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1st Week

HT2 Newsletter: NEW EVENTS: Competitive Programming! + Learn Web Dev For Beginners, Movie Night & More!

Hi everyone,

Happy Chinese New Year! 🐇 We have lots on next week - we now have Competitive Programming events, which will be awesome to get involved in! - and the start of a new Learn to Code series. We're also partnering with a few similar societies so make sure to check out the 'And more' section at the bottom for even more cool events you might like! Hopefully we'll see you soon :)

- Tri, CompSoc branding manager

Still not a member? Membership only costs £1 for LIFE, with tons of benefits - discounts on merch and tickets, free food at all socials, our exclusive Discord server and more - so it's definitely worth signing up!

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*NEW* Competitive Programming: Intro Workshop

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Looking for a fun way to improve your programming skills? Enjoy solving fun logic puzzles? CompSoc is hosting an introductory workshop on competitive programming for those who want a gentle introduction into the scene. The presentation will be given by Yusuf, who has represented Turkey in the International Olympiad in Informatics twice.

When: 7-8PM, Monday 23rd January

Where: Lecture Theatre B, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG

Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/2ydlEBE5D

Learn To Code HT Series: Web Dev For Beginners

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Ever wanted to create your own content on the internet? Come and learn how to build your own pretty and mobile friendly website with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Run by Oscar, a second year CS student and experienced dev, this workshop series will be running every Saturday from weeks 2-5.

When: 5:30-7:30PM, Saturday 28th January

Where: Seminar Room 051, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG

Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/2mwU2Xn4v

Saturday Social: MOVIE NIGHT!

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Unwind with friends and a fun CS themed movie! Popcorn provided.

When: 7-11PM, Saturday 28th January

Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG

Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/2bEiAJZw4

And More...

CVs, Cover Letters & Cake @ Engineering Soc

Check out this cool networking event run by our partner society, Engineering Soc!


Sign up: https://forms.microsoft.com/e/MsE80QJ9cy

Check out OxWoCS!

Make sure to join OxWoCS (Oxford Women in CS), a society we're working closely with, if you identify as a woman or woman-adjacent person in CS! They have a host of wonderful events on, including talks, panels and socials. Computer Science is unfortunately a subject with one of the biggest gender gaps in Oxford and worldwide, and addressing this is at the core of OxWoCS.

HT Term Card

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