Hey everyone,
The new comittee have taken over, and hopefully we can overcome the quarantine boredom with some online CompSoc events! We hope you’ll bear with us as remote events bring new challenges. Our first event coming up this Saturday will be something new, a chance to make your own presentation and win prizes! If you aren’t already on the CompSoc Discord, you can join it here to take part in events and keep in touch with other members.
Unfortunately we don’t have a good way to provide pizza remotely, although you’re welcome to get a takeaway if you want to embrace the CompSoc spirit!
We’re working on a great lineup of online events this term so stay tuned,
- Matthew and the rest of the (brand new) committee!
19:00, Saturday, Week 1, Discord
Get creative and present your own tech knowledge on a topic of your choice!
We are really proud to be partnering with University of Oxford and Royal College of General Practitioners to support clinical trials for Covid-19.
This partnership will enable clinical trials of selected medicines that might reduce the duration and severity of COVID-19 including hospital admission and mortality. By combining patient collected data, combined with the medical record, the researchers at Oxford will be able to determine the efficacy of certain medicines.
Our work has never been more crucial. Join our team of key workers providing technology to the NHS, helping patients and enabling vital COVID-19 research. To find out more about our roles and apply go to - https://tpp-careers.com/roles/
The Oxford University Computer Society (CompSoc) aims to organise meetings and events for our members to use and further their computing interests. See all of our upcoming events on our Facebook page or visit our website for more information about the society.
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