Hey everyone,

Our next social event this term is Quiz Night! Test your knowledge and compete with your fellow members to come out on top and claim a prize! This week’s tech talk is from Cisco, entitled “Have Your Robots Call My Robots”. Apologies again that it had to be rescheduled but it looks like a good one so be sure to join in this Wednesday! Learn to Code also continues this week on Thursday! Whether you’re keen to learn programming or have experience and want to help others learn, it’s a great opportunity. Just one sponsor message this week from Google so check it out below, with more info in the attached PDF.

In week 7 this term, we’ll be having our AGM. Most importantly, this includes elections for the 2021-2022 committee. It’s a great opportunity and well worth your consideration if you’re interested in running for a position. If you have any other topics or motions you’d like us to discuss in the AGM, please send them to us so we can add them to the agenda.

If you aren’t already on the CompSoc Discord, you can join it here to take part in social events and keep in touch with other members.

- Matthew and the rest of the committee


Quiz Night

19:00, Saturday, Week 5, Discord

Come and join us on our discord for quiz night! Answer fun CS themed questions, and answer as many right as you can to win the quiz! Prizes will be available!

Cisco Tech Talk - Have Your Robots Call My Robots

18:00, Wednesday, Week 5, Zoom

Creating a better, cheaper Internet for all depends on network operations moving away from humans to software automatons

This raises technical challenges, where techniques originating in automated theorem proving are highly practical.

This is an accessible talk, that won’t assume deep knowledge of either networking or formal methods.

Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

Learn To Code

19:00, Thursday, Week 5, Zoom

Learn to code! If you want to learn how to write code or refresh your knowledge, this course will teach introductory programming in the Python language with no prior experience necessary. Programming is a useful skill in a range of subjects and having some knowledge of it is a great way to improve your CV. Alternatively, if you’re already a CS student and would like to volunteer to help teach others some introductory Python, please contact the committee (replying to this email is fine) and we’ll get you connected!



Ability@Google will celebrate and support students with disabilities* or long term health conditions, and showcase the career opportunities at Google. During the event, delegates will have the chance to network with other students, meet Googlers from Google’s Ability Network, enjoy a talk on the topic of accessibility at Google and participate in a panel discussing using your disability to your advantage and positioning it positively.

*Disability includes, but is not limited to, conditions such as visual and hearing impairments, mobility impairments, Asperger’s Syndrome, diabetes, epilepsy, dyslexia, dyspraxia, mental health conditions, speech impairments and major illnesses such as cancer and MS.

The Oxford University Computer Society (CompSoc) aims to organise meetings and events for our members to use and further their computing interests. See all of our upcoming events on our Facebook page or visit our website for more information about the society.

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