Hello, CompSoc!
Goodness me! Is that the time? But what is time, and what does it taste like?
It’s LAN Night tonight. We’ll be up late playing games of your choice. Tomorrow is Film Night! Don’t forget to vote for a tech-y film you’d like to see!
Gold sponsor Semmle have a notice for careers. If you’re into open source, security and program analysis and compilers, do check them out!
Gold sponsor JP Morgan has dropped a reminder that the deadline for all their intern and graduate applications is 25 November, which is fast approaching.
Silver sponsor Ensoft have done the same, with their deadline at midnight 21 November. Their opportunities include grad positions (£40k p.a.), summer internships (£25k pro rata) and micro-internship this vac (£100 per day).
Silver sponsor and startup builder EF have also done the same, with their early application deadline 18 November.
Discord. Give your full name when join - most of the channels are for members only.
Adieu, CompSoc.
The CompSoc Committee - Joe G, Edward H, Ben S
LAN Night - 7:00 pm 16th November, UGSA (expect to stay very, very late!)
LAN Night returns to Fridays! (At least for this term.) We’re going to perform our termly ritual of staying up all night and playing any sorts of games of your choosing!
Bring your laptop, any game controllers and/or consoles, and we’ll provide the nosh.
The Geek Night directly after this is a film night, to wash away the fatigue of staying up all night playing LAN games.
Geek Night 6: Film Night - 7:00 pm 17th November, LTA
Here’s a poll for what films we’re going to be watching.
A list of things on the poll:
We aim to wash away the fatigue of a long, long LAN night from the night before. Come, and watch a film in our very own beloved Lecture Theatre A. We’ll provide the pizza, which may be consumed within the undergraduate social area (eating pizza in a lecture theatre is not permitted).
We may watch some 1950s-60s films about computers, which could be interesting too.
Coding Pub Quiz with TPP - 7:00 pm 21st November, The Mitre pub, 17 High Street
TPP is excited to announce a Coding Challenge on Wednesday 21st November, in collaboration with CompSoc!
Unlike a typical pub quiz, you’ll need to exercise your problem solving skills to tackle the range of challenges set instead of applying your general knowledge.
There will be free food and drinks, both soft and alcoholic, available for attendees throughout the whole event. There will also be great prizes on offer for the winning teams (Such as Raspberry Pi Computers and a Hotel Chocolat hamper).
We recommend teams of about 5-6 people, but smaller groups are welcome too, and if you’re unsure who to come with then we’ll be happy to match you up with other keen problem solvers on the day. Some questions require specific knowledge so you will want a programmer on your team!
Entry is free of charge and doesn’t require a ticket, so feel free to just show up on the day!
CS Essentials: Session 6 - 7:00 pm 22nd November, LTA
This week’s session is the final session, and the second of a two-part series on LaTeX!
CS Essentials is a brand new course that CompSoc organises for beginners. If you are into either exploring the Linux command line or learning how to create a beautiful document using LaTeX, this is just the course for you!
You do not need any prior experience, just come along and have some fun! All you need is a laptop to get through the exercises. What we will be teaching is:
If you need directions to the department, send us a message and we’ll be more than happy to help!
The course is open to all members of the University of Oxford.
P.S. If you have any experience in any of the topics and a little spare time, you can volunteer to help during the event.
Bletchley Park Trip - 9:00 am 24th November, Keble Road
CompSoc is visiting Bletchley Park, home of World War 2 codebreakers and of the National Museum of Computing.
During World War 2, codebreakers including Alan Turing worked to defeat the Enigma and Lorenz cyphers. For this, they developed Colossus, the world’s first programmable, electronic digital computer, and Bombe, a huge electro-mechanical computer to bruteforce Enigma. The work at Bletchley Park was secret for many years, but is now thought to have shortened the war by two years. The National Museum of Computing holds a huge range of devices spanning the history of computing: from WITCH, the world’s oldest working digital computer, to the sprawling ICL 2996 mainframe, to the gallery of 80’s microcomputers you can play with. Also in Bletchley Park is the National Radio Centre.
We have 50 spaces in total, nearly all of which are filled; CompSoc members can go free, non-members can come for £10. Sign up now!
Our trip is generously supported by Silver sponsor Ensoft.
Transport and lunch will be provided!
Here’s a tentative schedule for the day:
We’ll let you know if any times change.
Geek Night 7 - Oxmas Eve Turing wind-down - 7:00 pm 24th November, UGSA, Department of Computer Science
Since many of us will have spent a full day in Bletchley, this geek night will be a very chill Oxmas wind-down, people are free to code or chat as they please. If there’s anything anyone would particularly like to do, please let us know!
Since we’ll be landing back right at the department from the Bletchley Park trip,
Bring your laptops if you want to, pizza will commence as usual. We’ll also be doing mince pies and various Oxmassy treats!
G-Research Coding Challenge - 6:30 pm 28th November, UGSA, Department of Computer Science
This challenge is for Computer Sciences/Computer Sciences + Maths students in any year of your degree.
The challenge - Building a natural language processing engine!
A series of increasingly difficult challenges based on small teams or individuals, building a natural language calculation engine. The challenges will cover aspects such as evaluation of arithmetic expressions to unit conversions and equation solving. Decided by a point system, prizes will be given to groups who come 1st and 2nd place. There will be food and refreshments provided. We will allocate teams when you arrive, you don’t need to find a team beforehand, you are welcome to work alone or bring your own team if you like.
Languages for the challenges - .NET Core 2, Java and Maven or Python 3 with client starter kits provided when you login. Any coding background is welcome.
Please also bring a laptop per team.
The following notice is from JP Morgan.
We just wanted to give you a reminder that the deadline for all JP Morgan intern and graduate applications is 25 November 2018, and is fast approaching. For more information on how to apply, as well as other helpful job search hints, please visit our website.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
The J.P. Morgan Campus Recruitment Team
The following notice is from Semmle.
Have you always wanted to be a security researcher? Are you a big believer in open source? Do you love program analysis and compilers? Do you have a knack for machine learning and data science?
If any or all of the above apply to you then you definitely need to drop us a message about an internship or career at Semmle!
Based around the world and in the centre of Oxford, we’re the team behind LGTM.com and the QL query technology for variant analysis. By crunching millions of commits from over 100,000 open source repositories, we’ve uncovered critical security vulnerabilities in the Apple kernel, Apache code (including Hadoop and Struts), the Microsoft Edge browser, Spring, and many other codebases. The full list of CVEs is here: https://lgtm.com/security/disclosures
We’re always looking for security researchers, compiler engineers, UX designers, ML/DM experts, software engineers, and developer advocates. Talent and enthusiasm are much more important to us than experience! We have a large team of talented people (including many from Oxford) who will support you from day one.
Interested? Have a look at https://semmle.com/careers and drop us a line on careers@semmle.com. You’re very welcome to join us for lunch any day (or drinks on Friday evening) and a game of pool, foosball, or table tennis! Want to try out our tech first? Have a look at https://lgtm.com, and don’t forget to check out the blog: https://lgtm.com/blog.
The following notice is from Ensoft.
We are a small UK company that writes software that connects the world. Our 70 engineers specialise in developing all aspects of networking software. Ensoft-developed technology is a critical part of many of the largest routers that make up the Internet.
Graduate positions available, September 2019, starting salary £40,000.
2019 summer internships, £25,000 pro-rata
Week-long micro-internship, £100/day w/c Mon 3rd Dec 2018
To apply for any of these available positions, upload a CV here by midnight on Wednesday 7th week (21st Nov 18).
More details via our website, Twitter or Facebook.
The following notice is from EF.
The early application deadline to join EF’s 11th cohort (beginning in April 2019) is on November 18th!
Entrepreneur First are Europe’s leading startup builder, and always looking for innovative, talented individuals to support in building their first technology company - they are especially really keen to bring in those who haven’t previously considered founding their own startup, but who have skills and enthusiasm and just need the right environment to flourish. They’re also encouraging more women to apply, and try to narrow the gender gap between male and female founders.
The uniqueness of EF comes from the fact that they build companies pre-team, and pre-idea; they select individuals based on pure talent, then work with them to develop teams, ideas, technology, and help them raise funding. If this sounds like an opportunity which interests you then please please apply and you could be building your startup with us in April 2019!
It’s a really exciting time to be at Entrepreneur First too, as they’ve recently closed a $12.4 million round of funding, with LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, and a handful of EF alumni from earlier cohorts also investing, including the founders of Magic Pony Technology, who built the company through EF and exited eighteen months later for $150 million.
Entrepreneur First is on the hunt for its next cohort of exceptional people who are ready to become founders of their own deep-tech company. If you have rare technical skills or deep industry experience, and want to build a globally important tech company, we will help you build a company from scratch - no need for an idea, just your skills, ambition and commitment. The cohort starts in April 2019. To be fast-tracked through the Admissions process, apply by this Sunday (18th Nov) https://lnkd.in/dY2W2nT. This might be particularly relevant if you are finishing your PhD or recently left university.
If you have any questions or want to get in touch with EF, send an email over to ali@joinef.com. You can also find more details on the programme here https://www.joinef.com/
The following notice is from Oxford Foundry.
Idea Exploration: What is the value proposition?
19th November 18.00-20.00, The Oxford Foundry
This workshop a part of the wider ‘Idea Exploration’ series focuses on step one of that journey, and will help you work with your idea to gain an in depth understanding of who your customer is. You have an idea and you have a strong understanding of who your customer is. Having an in depth understanding of the value you are adding to your customers is vital in effectively communicating about your product or service.
Link to sign up: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/idea-exploration-what-is-the-value-proposition-tickets-50533572275
The following notice regards a talk at St Catherine’s College, and is a transcription of a poster describing such.
The Mathematics behind the AI Revolution: Prof. Christopher Bishop, Microsoft Research Cambridge.
The Alan Tayler lecture is sponsored by the Smith Institute.
The Oxford University Computer Society (CompSoc) aims to organise meetings and events for our members to use and further their computing interests. See all of our upcoming events on our Facebook Page or visit our Website for more information about the society.
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