Hey everyone,

I hope you’re all excited for Hilary term! Although it doesn’t look like we’ll be heading back to Oxford this term, we’ve still got plenty of events planned so stay tuned! This term will also be our last term as your CompSoc committee, so if any of you want to go for a place on next year’s committee then be sure to come along to our AGM later in the term. Our first social event this term is a casual social night with no set theme, so head to Discord this Saturday for some pizza and fun. We’ve also got a message from Optiver this week about an event they’re hosting, so be sure to sign up below!

If you aren’t already on the CompSoc Discord, you can join it here to take part in social events and keep in touch with other members.

- Matthew and the rest of the committee


New Year, Same CompSoc!

19:00, Saturday, Week 0, Discord

There is no set theme for this event, so just come and join us all on our Discord to meet up with everyone and have some fun. We look forward to seeing you!



The exciting world of electronic trading is a problem solver’s paradise. However, to truly put your skills to the test, you’ll need to know some secrets of the trade. It’s time to learn some… Tradercraft. Hosted by Optiver trainer, Robbert Pullen, this interactive training course delves into the theory and techniques of modern-day trading and market making. You’ll get access to Optiver’s proprietary virtual trading platform, Optibook, and gain a deeper understanding of how to develop and analyse trading algorithms. You’ll also be shown how best to optimise them for different financial instruments using your knowledge of Python and have the support of experienced industry professionals. There’ll also be prizes up for grabs for the top performers including: Nintendo Switch gaming system (1st), JBL Charge 4 bluetooth speaker (2nd), Gaomon S620 graphics tablet (3rd)

Apply here: https://insights.optiver.com/tradercraft2021/

Applications close on the 22nd of January!

The Oxford University Computer Society (CompSoc) aims to organise meetings and events for our members to use and further their computing interests. See all of our upcoming events on our Facebook page or visit our website for more information about the society.

Want to unsubscribe or manage your subscription preferences? Go to http://lists.ox.compsoc.net/mailman/listinfo/.