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6th Week

Hilary Term Week 4 Newsletter

Competitive Programming, ChCh Gig, Learn to Code and Jackbox Games!

Dear Valued Supporter,

Here we are, yet again! What a surprise... as we step into Week 4, I bring a bunch of events for your delectation.

Today at 7pm, we'll be down in the Undergraduate Social Area for our first event of the week – another Competitive Programming contest! If you're interested, make sure to come down this week and face off against your peers.

On Wednesday, we'll be at Christ Church for an enchanting night of music and free drinks! Join us from 8pm in the Christ Church college bar, where we'll be enjoying scintillating conversation along with tunes from a student band.

On Saturday, it's time for our familiar dynamic duo – Learn to Code and a Saturday Social! At 5:30pm, we'll be in the Department of Computer Science's Seminar Room 051 to learn all about a tool you'll struggle to avoid – Bash! Afterwards, we'll retire to the Undergraduate Social Area at 7pm for a Jackbox game night. Make sure to come along and enjoy some pizza while playing fun games with friends!

— Declan, your increasingly timely CompSoc envoy

Fun Computing Fact: While the Unix-based macOS is a relatively recent piece of software, having been first released in 2001, did you know it wasn't Apple's first foray into Unix? That honour goes to A/UX, launched for the Mac in 1988! As the United States federal government required their computers to be able to run a POSIX-certified operating system, A/UX allowed Apple to bid for government contracts with the Macintosh, a platform still in its infancy.

A/UX merged a Unix backend with the Mac's System 7 operating system by running System 7's UI as a single container process under Unix, allowing users to use the familiar Mac OS interface and their existing programs alongside apps made for the X Window System, on top of a far more modern and capable platform. After the debut of Macs with PowerPC processors, A/UX was discontinued in 1995.

Still not a member? How?! Membership only costs £1 for LIFE, with tons of benefits - discounts on merch and tickets, free food at all socials, our exclusive Discord server and more - so it's definitely worth signing up!

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Competitive Programming – Fourth Week Contest

It's Fourth Week, and for our first event of the week, we're back with another jaunt into the world of Competitive Programming! Join us in the Undergraduate Social Area on Monday between 7:30-9:30pm to face off against your friends and peers. Everyone is welcome, whether you're a novice or an expert!

When: 7:30-9:30pm, Monday 10th February

Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG

Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1

Gig at Christ Church

Is all that work getting you down? Fancy some free drinks? Join us next Wednesday at Christ Church for a night of intrigue! We'll be down in the Christ Church bar from 8pm with a student band playing from 8:30pm onwards. With an open tab, drinks are on us, so make sure to come along and enjoy!

When: 8pm, Wednesday 12th February

Where: Christ Church St Aldates, Oxford OX1 1DP

Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/jgIqOipd0

Learn to Code – Having a Bash at $Bash_

This Saturday, we're back with yet another specialised session in our Learn to Code event series! Join us between 5:30-6:30pm in the Department of Computer Science's Seminar Room 051, where we'll be having a look at Bash, the shell and command interpreter for Unix-like operating systems. If you want to firm up your familiarity with the shell, make sure to come along!

When: 5:30-6:30pm, Saturday 15th February

Where: Seminar Room 051, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG

Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/4dANoKlAv

Saturday Social – Jackbox Game Night

It's Saturday, and it's time to kick back and relax with some pizza and fun! Join us in the Department's Undergraduate Social Area this Saturday at 7pm for our latest Saturday Social, where we'll be enjoying some Jackbox party games together, along with the traditional complement of pizza and snacks.

When: 7pm, Saturday 15th February

Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG

Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/1RW2DVIjK

And More...

Hilary Term 2025 Termcard

Check Out OxWoCS!

Make sure to join OxWoCS (Oxford Women in CS), a society we're working closely with, if you identify as a woman or woman-adjacent person in CS! They have a host of wonderful events on, including talks, panels and socials. Computer Science is unfortunately a subject with one of the biggest gender gaps in Oxford and worldwide, and addressing this is at the core of OxWoCS.

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