Hi everyone!

Hope you are doing well!

The most beautiful and stressful term of the year is here, so it may be helpful to let yourself have a moment to relax. Please check the Ports and Policies event below if you feel like having a break and meeting CompSoc people:))

No more spam; see you there tomorrow!


Kinga and the rest of the committee


Ports and Policies

19:00-22.00, Saturday 7th April, Week 2, UGSA, Department of Computer Science

Now that CompSoc has managed to return to the CS department, we would like to hold a networking event for our members. (Laptops are encouraged!)
There will be free pizza!
If you get to the department and can’t get in call 1865 20 02 22

The Oxford University Computer Society (CompSoc) aims to organise meetings and
events for our members to use and further their computing interests. See all of
our upcoming events on our Facebook page or
visit our website for more information about the

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