Welcome back!
This term will be as quiet as the last term was busy. In Week 2, we'll have a cybersecurity tech talk with KPMG, who are also generously sponsoring us for this term. In Week 5, we'll be taking part in the emerging technology party at the Oxford Foundry. The TGM will be in Week 6. We're currently approaching potential speakers for the last Learn to Code session on machine learning, but we've yet to confirm anything. That's all we've planned so far, but the committee will try to organise more things to satisfy your mid-week pizza cravings. The print termcard is attached.
At the AGM, you asked for cheap stash and that's what you're getting. Until Sunday 3rd Week, CompSoc t-shirts are £5 and CompSoc hoodies are £10. Get them here. Your order should arrive around 6th or 7th week.
Have a great week,
Edward and the rest of the committee
19:00 Saturday 1st Week – Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science
Food, drink, chatting, etc. all in one place.
18:00 Wednesday 2nd Week – Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science
[Note that this event starts one hour earlier than usual.]
Exact details (and a Facebook event) will follow soon, but we're planning to have:
This is an opportunity to learn about KPMG Technology consulting, our experiences and the different opportunities available. Technology is increasingly critical to any business, and as one of the fastest-growing areas within KPMG, it offers extensive scope for career development and personal growth. In KPMG Technology Consulting, you’ll not only be helping clients revolutionise their businesses, you’ll also be shaping the future of our firm.
We offer both technical and non-technical roles and look for individuals who have a keen interest in technology and an appetite to learn about how we can leverage technology to support our clients.
The Oxford University Computer Society (CompSoc) aims to organise meetings and events for our members to use and further their computing interests. See all of our upcoming events on our Facebook Page or visit our Website for more information about the society.
Edward HartSecretary - Oxford University Computer Society