Hello All,

Welcome to the Oxford University Computer Society. We have a number of events over the next couple of weeks, which are open to anyone; no membership required! All our events will have plenty of Pizza, Drinks and other snacks.

Geek Night 0 - LAN Party
Under Graduate Social Area - 7:00pm Saturday (0th week)

Our first LAN party of the term. Bring a laptop (or your desktop if you're feeling strong!) and any games you're interested in. We have a few games to share so don't worry if you have nothing!

Google Talk & Freshers Drinks
Lecture Theatre A - 7:00pm Wednesday (1st week)

Our first talk of the year is by Google (title TBA), followed by Freshers Drinks. 

Geek Night 1
Undergraduate Social Area - 7:00pm Saturday (1st week)

Come down to the UGSA for our first official geek night of term. The usual array of refreshments, chatting, and other miscellaneous activities will of course be present.
Cameron Alsop
President - Oxford University Computer Society