A message from Deloitte, a sponsor of CompSoc follows. Final year students, this may be of particular interest to you.
Come Dine with Deloitte! Meet our teams over a bite to eat Deloitte Dinner Events in Oxford- Hilary Term With a brand new year upon us now has never been a better time to start thinking about your career opportunities. We are continuing to recruit for our Graduate and Undergraduate programs for a 2012 start in the following areas nationwide: · Audit · Tax · Consulting · Corporate Finance · Enterprise Risk Services We will be running a number of opportunities to meet Deloitte in Oxford this term including 4 exclusive dinner events where you will have the opportunity to network with our friendly staff from across our business areas to discuss career opportunities along with hints and tips for your application and interview in a relaxed and informal setting. The Oxford dinners will be taking place on: Thursday 9th February 6.30pm – Contact: The Oxford Guild president@theoxfordguild.com Thursday 16th February 6.30pm – Contact: Craig Barnett crbarnett@deloitte.co.uk Tuesday 21st February 6.30pm – Contact: Craig Barnett crbarnett@deloitte.co.uk Tuesday 28th February 6.30pm – Contact: Craig Barnett crbarnett@deloitte.co.uk This is an invaluable opportunity and places for these events are strictly limited. To apply for a place at a dinner: · Email the appropriate contact name above with the following information: o Year of graduation o Subject studied o Area of Interest in Deloitte (if known) o Copy of your CV o Answer the following question: Through your research and in your own words please explain five key reasons why you are interested in joining Deloitte (100 words max- bullet points can be used. We will then be back in touch with you shortly to confirm you place on a dinner event. Looking forward to seeing you soon, Deloitte Graduate Recruitment Team Connect with us:
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a Swiss Verein, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see www.deloitte.com/about for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and its member firms. |