Looking for a challenging and rewarding placement this summer? Have a talent and interest for writing software? Could use a salary of £20,000 pro-rata?

If so, we want to hear from you!

Ensoft is one of the UK's most successful small software companies, with a team of 50 engineers and over £7.5 million in annual turnover.  We've grown by recruiting some of the very best Oxbridge graduates each year.  We are looking for two interns to join our software development team during summer 2012.

The application process is simple:
  • Send a CV to recruitment@ensoft.co.uk by 5pm on Thursday 16th February 2012
  • Interviews are held on Tuesday 21st February 2012 at The Randolph Hotel, Oxford. (They last for no more than 2 hours).
  • Job offers are made before the end of term.
There is more information on our website about the details to provide in your CV (www.ensoft.co.uk/careers/applying).  But I would encourage you to apply soon. While everything is designed to take up as little of your time as we can, it is still very competitive for places.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks for your time,
Jon Turnbull
Managing Director, Ensoft

Anthony, Oxford, Maths and Computer Science

I was in my third year of a Maths & Computer Science degree at Oxford when it dawned on me that I couldn't spend another summer lazing around in the sun (or what there is in England) and that I should get some proper experience in the world. This decision was made in earnest in Hilary term, and I began to worry that I had left things too late and that all the worthwhile businesses would have already filled their quotas. How wrong I was.
To read Anthony’s full casebook click here

Colin, Cambridge, Computer Science

Sometime during my first year at Cambridge, I became aware that I would have three months of holiday over the summer.  I wasn't particularly worried about boredom, but it did occur to me that I should probably do something more helpful to both my CV and my bank balance than slowly work my way through Steam's "Games Under £5" section.   

To read Colin’s full casebook click here.

* Ensoft Limited, Registered in Cardiff No. 3351902
* Registered Office: 13 Station Road, Finchley, London N3 2SB