We have a £5,000 prize on offer for the
winners of the contest, along with offers of
paid internships at the Hut Group. Here’s a link:
Oxford CoderDojo seeking volunteers
Oxford CoderDojo is seeking volunteers to help with our weekly sessions held every Saturday 11am - 1pm at 10 St Ebbe's Street (just by the Westgate Centre).
CoderDojo is a volunteer led global movement of free coding clubs for young people (typically age 7 to 17), with nearly 400 clubs worldwide. The Oxford branch is kindly hosted by NaturalMotion, but we need lots of volunteer mentors to help run the sessions. Common activities include programming in Python, building websites with HTML/CSS/JavaScript and using Scratch, a graphical programming language.
For more information, see http://coderdojo-oxford.com/.
If you're interested in volunteering as a mentor, please contact
edward.perkins@naturalmotion.com (the centre lead).