Hi all,
This week we will be continuing with our series of System Administration crash course talks: Time: 20:00 Thu 26th Jan Place: Denis Sciama Lecture Theatre, Denys Wilkinson Building (on Banbury Rd & Keble Rd)
Also... We are planning the Annual General Meeting on Thursday of Week 7 (2nd March), where we intend to elect a new committee. Three positions are up for grabs. You may want to contact the current committee members to have any queries answered. President: Ken Kawamoto (president@ox.compsoc.net) -> "to preside over meetings, to authorise all expenditure and ultimately be responsible for the running of the Society" Secretary: Simon Hay (secretary@ox.compsoc.net) -> (meant to) "take minutes at meetings, deal with Society correspondence and stand in for the President when necessary" Treasurer: Stanley Yung (treasurer@ox.compoc.net) -> "to maintain the accounts of the Society, report to the members thereon, and to stand in for the Secretary when necessary" (and not quit mid-term) Please contact me if you are thinking of running for any of these positions.
Finally... Here's an extract from an e-mail from QinetiQ: --- I am QinetiQ's Campus Manager for graduate and postgraduate recruitment at Oxford University this academic year, and am contacting you to let you know that we are holding a careers evening on Wednesday of 2nd week (25th January) in the Danson Room, Trinity College, which members of OU CompSoc may be interested in attending. Computer Science is one of our target recruitment subjects, and as such I am keen to promote the event to students of this subject, as well as those in related disciplines.
The evening will begin with presentations about a wide range of different projects within QinetiQ, and then there will be an informal session over drinks during which speakers and QinetiQ representatives will be happy to answer questions. It should be an interesting and enjoyable evening, and will hopefully be of great benefit to anyone considering a career in science and technology research. ---
Have a good week!