Good people of Compsoc,
A year has passed, and it is with some sadness that I compose my final missive to the Compsoc masses. In celebration of the end of Dave, Michael and my time in our posts, I think you should come to the last event of term, which is tomorrow!
AMD Virtualization and Barcelona (Simon Cole) =============================================
When: Tuesday 6th March, 20.00 Where: Keble College, Pusey Room
Simon Cole, who spoke to Compsoc in Michaelmas 2001 and presented a server[0] donated by his employer, AMD, in Hilary 2002, returns to give us an overview of AMD's on-chip virtualization technology, and introduce their forthcoming "Barcelona" quad-core processors.
If you came to Dominic Hargreaves' geo-fu talk in week 5, this is in the same place. If not, might prove useful. The Pusey room is on the Pusey Quad, roughly opposite the lodge. Someone will be hovering in the lodge to point you in the right direction in any case.
If you've got no other plans for food tomorrow evening, why not come to Noodle Bar on Gloucester Green[1] at 18.39 (this time was agreed upon after bitter negotiations on #compsoc) and eat with Simon and fragments of the outgoing and incoming committees? Feel free to give me a ring or an SMS, or drop an email to -discuss, if you have any questions about meeting up.
Epilogue ========
People seem to like pictures of cats. I hope that pleases you.
It's been a fun year. I have no doubt that I will enjoy the next year at least as much: all the Compsoccy goodness, with none of the responsibility! Take it away, Andy, Martin and David,
Will -- Will Thompson, Oxford University Computer Society's outgoing President Jabber:; Mobile: +44 (0)7771 77 40 70