Tonight's talk is not in the Denys Wilkinson Building: it is in Worcester's Seminar Room A. When you get to Worcester, walk through the lodge, then along the right-hand side of the quad to staircase 5, which is the penultimate staircase. Turn into the staircase and immediately right again, and Seminar Room A is directly ahead of you.
If you have trouble finding it, just ask in the lodge. Also, I'll be loitering in the lodge before the talk begins.
In the unlikely event that you're still unaware of the content of the talk, we have Stuart Langridge coming to talk to us about aspects of "Web 2.0". It should be of interest to anyone who's interested in the web and what can be done with it.
Stuart, web developer, LugRadio presenter and author of DHTML Utopia, will discuss the resurgence of JavaScript and how AJAX is allowing developers to create a new breed of cross-platform, rich Internet applications.
Time: 8.30pm on Tuesday 9th May (TODAY) Location: Worcester College, Seminar Room A
Also, your plans for tonight should involve eating with Stuart and the committee before the talk! :-) We'll be at the Goose on Gloucester Green from about 7.30.
Hope to see you later,