Lightning Talks ===============
Thursday 5th February, 20:00 Roy Griffiths Room, Keble College
Lightning talks were a great success last year, and so we're bringing it back for another go this week.
For those not familiar with the format, lightning talks is an event where attendees are invited (but not required!) to give a short, 5-10 minute talk on a subject of their choice. Usually, talks are about things you know or have done recently (for example, I'll be doing one on my location-tracking site). They're good fun, and you have a wonderfully captive audience...
If you're thinking of giving a talk, then please sling me an email, and we'll publish the list of confirmed talks on Thursday. Even if you don't tell me you're doing one, you're welcome to come along and give one after the people who confirmed - there's usually time!
As usual, there will be someone at the Keble lodge to point you towards the room. They may or may not be very cold and located under two feet of snow.