Evening All,
Apologies for the late notice, but tonight we're having a FILM NIGHT at the COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT.
If you fancy coming, please head over to the link below, and click join so we have a rough idea of numbers.
Also, here is the film choice link:
https://www.facebocoming, please head over to the link below, and click join so we have coming, please head over to the link below, and click join so we have ok.com/groups/oxcompsocgeeknight/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/oxcompsocgeeknight/
Should be a great night, with the usual guests of pizza, and other lovely snacks!
Just a bit of news, it was great to have such a good Compsoc attendance at the Facebook Hackathon, I'm told it was a great night.
Finally, did I hear rumours of a cocktail night this term?
All the best, Alex
Alex Cheadle Social Sec - Oxford University Computer Society committee@ox.compsoc.net https://owa.nexus.ox.ac.uk/owa/redir.aspx?C=5sQbzxmhhkq4DKZQzH_MxrXCQ_0QGdAIjsRZjiC-f0ultrnBrV7jFYqrriX9l5JdXv2E06E2MH4.&URL=mailto%3apresident%40ox.compsoc.net