Hi all,
0. This week ------------
Great turnout to the EA talk. I hope you all enjoyed it. Phil, Harvey and Ian all asked me to mention that if you have any other questions for them, or happen to be going to the area and want to look around the EA building, you're welcome to get in touch with them. I have their email addresses, so drop me a line if you want them. If enough (but not too many) people are interested, a group of Compsoccers (is that a word?) could all go down at the same time for a tour and to talk to other EA people at some point in the future. Again, throw email at me if you're up for that.
On a related note, Tom Holden sent me the following before the talk:
I worked for EA for a year (now doing postgrad). If any [Compsoc] members are serious about going into the games industry I'm happy to give them a slightly different perspective to what I'd imagine they'd get at that talk.
If you're interested, once again, let me know. He'll send out a mass email when I've gathered addresses. (I meant to mention this before or at the talk, but forgot; sorry Tom!)
1. Next week ------------
On Monday, we have Jon Masters from Red Hat talking about the modular nature of the Linux kernel; in particular, how this helps make porting the kernel to new platforms easy. This should be an accessible talk, despite the subject matter, so don't feel put off if you're unfamiliar with kernel programming and so on.
Venue: Comlab, room 051 Date: Monday 23rd October Time: 20.00
http://oxford.openguides.org/wiki/?Computing_Laboratory has some information about Comlab (in case you're not familiar with it). There is a door into the basement to the left of the door into the main reception, which we will be using.
Also, some of you might be interested to know that LinuxWorld Expo is in London on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th next week. (In fact, this is why Jon is able to speak to us next week despite living in the US!) I know that a few Compsoccers are going along. It's fairly enterprise-focused (although there is an area of non-corporate stands), but should be fun. Entry is _free_ if you register on the Expo website[0] by midnight _today_, so act quickly! You don't have to go to both days, or all of either day.
[0] http://www.linuxworldexpo.co.uk/
(Yay, I've just noticed that the Tux Games people will be there.)
I should go now. There are old friends and pizza next door!
wjt -- Will Thompson, Oxford University Computer Society President http://www.ox.compsoc.net/