I have just received a phone call from Peter Molyneux's PA and was told that he would not be able to attend today's talk due to unspecified family reasons.
The committee are deeply disappointed that he has had to cancel for the second time and I would like to apologise unreservedly for getting anyone's hopes up.
----- Forwarded message from Jonathan Ville president@ox.compsoc.net -----
From: Jonathan Ville president@ox.compsoc.net To: compsoc-announce@lists.ox.compsoc.net Subject: This Thursday: Peter Molyneux gives a talk Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 16:06:42 +0100
The new committee are pleased to announce the first event for this term. Peter Molyneux will be giving a talk (we have not yet been informed of the subject matter) this Thursday at Keble College at 8pm. People will be at the Porters' Lodge before 8pm to direct people to the correct room. When the talk has ended we will retire to a local pub, as is usual.
Peter Molyneux is a prominent game developer, responsible for titles such as Dungeon Keeper, Populous, Theme Park, Black & White and Fable.
Hope to see you there,
- Jon
----- End of forwarded message from Jonathan Ville president@ox.compsoc.net -----