Hi all,
Welcome back to a new year! I hope you all had a great summer. The termcard will be ready very very soon... In the mean time, let me advertise our first event of the term;
Freshers' drinks Friday 14 Oct 19:30, Lamb & Flag (St Giles Rd.) ------------------------------------------------ Freshers' Drinks is a chance to meet existing Compsoc members and find out what the society's all about. We'll be there all evening (as usual!) and will hopefully be easy to spot, so drop by at any time.
There has been a change in the fee structure: Lifetime membership is 5 pounds if you join in week 1, 10 pounds otherwise. Annual membership is 3 pounds if you join in week 1, 6 pounds otherwise. If you decide to become a member, come along to the freshers' drinks. Alternatively, you could e-mail me at: president@ox.compsoc.net
Also, we have had many engineers(+scientists) signing up at the fresher's fair saying that they want a tutorial on Linux. Would there be anyone willing to give a one-hour seminar on the basic use of desktop Linux? (preferably in Week 2.) It should be aimed at freshers entering a science couse with no experience in using Linux. Please e-mail me if anyone is interested.
Wish you all a great year, ken.
+---------------+ Ken Kawamoto St Edmund Hall, Oxford President, Oxford University Computer Society http://www.compsoc.net/ president@ox.compsoc.net