Hi folks,
Did you all have a good holiday? I hope so.
Anyway! You might be wondering what's happening in Compsoc this term. This week, come to the Turf Tavern on Wednesday 17th at some time after 8.30pm, and we can all catch up.
As for the rest of term, well, we're still working on the termcard, I'm afraid. One thing we're planning is a visit to the Game On exhibition in the Barbican Centre in London[0]. Who'd be interested in going down there in a group? Would you prefer a weeknight or a weekend? (Durham's Compsoc are going down there on Saturday 3rd February, and it'd be neat to meet up with them, but EA are organising an event there on Wednesday 24th January evening with free drinks and a Q&A session with Bing Gordon[1].) Let us know which you'd prefer, so we can get things organised.
[0] http://www.gameonweb.co.uk/ [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bing_Gordon
Also, on Thursday the British Computer Society's Oxfordshire Branch are running a talk at Comlab:
Viruses and Malware, How many more threats are there? -----------------------------------------------------
Date: Thursday 18 January 2007 Time: 19:30 (Tea and Coffee from 19:00) Location: Computing Lab, Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QG Speaker: Stuart Taylor, Manager SophosLabs(TM) UK.
In the last ten years the number of threats has increased ten fold with approximately 5,000 new threats being seen every month. The presentation covers the rapid rise in the number of threats and the changing nature of those threats. It will discuss the issues faced by both vendors and consumers in protecting themselves against this global problem. The presentation will look at some of the myths surrounding protection and explore the reality of providing a rapid response against the unknown threat.
http://www.oxon.bcs.org/program2006-7.htm#Jan has more details.
Anyway, that's enough from me for now. Hope to see people at the Turf on Wednesday,
wjt -- Will Thompson, Oxford University Computer Society President http://www.ox.compsoc.net/
On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 09:56:18AM +0000, Will Thompson wrote:
It transpires that the exhibition's in the Science Museum, not at the Barbican Centre, and that URL is not the URL you are looking for. Oops. Head on over to http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/exhibitions/gameon/ if you want to know about this exhibition, not the one with the same name from about four years ago. In my defence, it seems to be an updated version of the same exhibition. (This has the nice side-effect that I can personally recommend visiting it, even if (like me) you're not really a hardcore gamer.)
Anyway, wander over to compsoc-discuss[0] and let us know when you'd like to go!
[0] http://lists.ox.compsoc.net/mailman/listinfo/compsoc-discuss
Sorry for the mix-up,