Hi All,
It's that time of the week to find out about what CompSoc is doing again!
This week we have a talk from Deloitte titled 'Technology in Deloitte' (more information below - there will be a free buffet + drinks afterwards!). The talk will last no longer than an hour and should be well worth going to, if only to find out what Deloitte actually do (they operate globally across over 30 separate divisions).
Read more below to find out about this event and the final technology challenge of this term (which is open to anyone, but only members can win prizes) - as well as last weeks solution.
Ben and Alex CompSoc Co-Presidents
The Oxford Computer Society
Technology at Deloitte: Thursday 24, 20.00-21.00 St Catz JCR Lecture Theatre Link: TBA
Representatives from Deloitte, including a Partner, will be coming to talk about the company and particularly its technology division. The talk will include some interesting case studies of their work.
A buffet and drinks will be provided afterwards.
Deloitte provide audit, consulting, financial advisory, risk management and tax services to selected clients. Their Technology Practice addresses numerous advancements, such as cloud computing, mobility, data analytics and social media, through the prism of new market creation.
The plan is to meet at St Catz lodge at 19.45 for a 20.00 start in the JCR Lecture theatre.
Here is a handy map for finding Catz: http://g.co/maps/eeut2. If you get truly lost in Catz, you can call Ben on 0754 999 3401.
This event, like most CompSoc events, is free for anyone to attend.
Technology Competition: Challenge 7 + Bonus:
This week's challenge is related to http://xkcd.com/426/.
The challenge is to find the 440th element in the following series: 1st Element: The last date, x, such that the geohash x was somewhere in Oxford. Rather than using the DOW opening use the word CompSoc (with that capitalisation). (N+1)th Element: The first date before the Nth date such that the geohash of this date was somewhere in Oxford. Rather than using the DOW opening, use the Nth date.
For the purposes of this challenge, Oxford is bounded by the points (51. 7903, -1. 2899) and (51.7154, -1.1763) - forming a rectangle using these points in the obvious way. As a hint, the solution is within the last 500 years.
Once you have figured it out go to http://compsoc.dartoxia.com/answer/<ANSWER GOES HERE>. The answer should be of the form YYYY-MM-DD (ie it should include leading zeroes, hyphens and be represented by digits).
A bonus prize will go to the first person who sends me (president@ox.compsoc.net) a picture of them at the location corresponding to the 440th element of the series.
Anyone (with a .ox.ac.uk email address) can sign up to the competition through the http://compsoc.dartoxia.com website, but only members can receive prizes.
Compsoc.dartoxia.com isn't connected to the compsoc network, and so you will need to make a new account to participate.
For more details about the competition see http://compsoc.net/technology_competition or if you have any questions contact committee@ox.compsoc.net
Technology Competition: Challenge 6 Result:
Congratulations to Jonathan Tuckwell for solving the sixth challenge the quickest - we will get in touch separately to arrange your prize.
Last week's challenge was to reorder the tiles at http://compsoc.dartoxia.com/dominoes.txt such that: - You use exactly 8 tiles - You use at least one of each type of tile - When you read the top row you get a palindrome of a's and b's - When you read the bottom row you get a palindrome of x's and y's
You then had to submit the answer as a string of a's and b's followed by a string of x's and y's. The correct solution was: abbabababababbaxyyxyxxyxxyxxyxxyxyyx When you relax the second condition a number of other solutions can be found - this seemed to be the biggest stumbling block.
Our current membership rates are £5 for life and £3 for a year. Being a member entitles you to free socials, prizes in the technology competition and you can attend (obviously) members only events - such as the upcoming Bank of America dinner. You will also receive a CompSoc membership card!
Membership forms can be downloaded from http://compsoc.net/forms/Compsoc_Membership_Application.pdf - please return them completed and money to a committee member.
CompSoc jobs mailing list:
The society receives a number of advertisements each week from companies and individuals interested in employing our members. The jobs range from graduate positions, to a bit of help with another societies website.
If you would like to receive these emails just email compsoc-jobs-request@lists.ox.compsoc.net with 'subscribe' in the subject line.