Hi Everyone,
We hope you have had a good term, and attended enough CompSoc events! We've certainly had a great time, with the Facebook hackathon, Rebellion Games Games Night, Dionach Capture the Pi Challenge and talk from GreenQloud, along with our weekly geek nights. As many of you are aware, we were originally going to plan for a Cocktails night this term, but we have taken the decision, due to the looming exams and revision, to cancel this event, and we will be hosting no further mid-week events for the rest of term.
We will however continue hosting our Saturday Geek Nights! So come on down if you need an escape from exams, or anything else for that matter! And for everyone sitting exams, good luck!!!
For anyone who is yet to join it, here is the official Oxford University CompSoc group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/oxcompsocgeeknight/
Best Wishes,
Everyone from the CompSoc Committee
Sam Lanning President - Oxford University Computer Society president@ox.compsoc.net mailto:president@ox.compsoc.net