Hi all,
This is just a quick reminder about today's Annual General Meeting and Committee Elections. Whether you are interested in standing for a position, just want to be involved in discussion about what the society might do next term, or just enjoy the sheer thrill of general meetings, you will be very welcome. Full details are copied below. Since filling in ballot paper can understandably be a tiring and strenuous activity, food and drink will be provided.
All the best,
Ben -- Co-President, CompSoc
CompSoc AGM including elections: Wednesday 22/02, 6pm, St Catz Arumugan Building First Floor Meadow Facing FB Event: http://www.facebook.com/events/276868755717384/
Please note the change in venue compared to our printed termcard
Out with the old, in with the new.
We will be reviewing progress the society has made this term and discussing any other issues that arise. Elections for the 2012/2013 committee will be held (further details to be sent on mailing list). If you are interested in standing for a position please get in touch with the committee if you have any questions.
If you are interested in the intricacies of how the AGM/society works then please see the constitution. (http://compsoc.net/constitution/)
Pizza and drinks will be provided! (and hot cross buns)
The Arumugan building is the fancy name of the lodge, we will be in the room just to the left after you go up the stairs. We'll put up some signs in the lodge (which is that big glass building straight in front of you as you walk into catz) to the room.
Here is a handy map for finding Catz: http://g.co/maps/eeut2. If you get truly lost in Catz, you can call Ben on 0754 999 3401.
This event, like most CompSoc events, is free for anyone to attend. Although only members of the society may vote in the meeting.
Specific election information:
If you think you might be interested in a role on the committee then please feel free to get in touch with us over committee@ox.compsoc.netmailto:committee@ox.compsoc.net and we'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have - alternatively speak to us in person of course!
Along with the positions required by the university (President, Secretary and Treasurer) a number of other roles could be suitably created, such as Vice President, Social Secretary, Sponsorship Secretary, Publications Officer, etc. (basically whatever title + support that you think could be provided to the society). Personally, I (Ben) believe that a larger committee than the required roles is highly preferable - there is an upper limit of 10 members to the committee. Constitutionally, we have the that the required positions are:
The President, to preside over meetings, to authorise all expenditure and ultimately be responsible for the running of the Society.
The Secretary, to take minutes at meetings, deal with Society correspondence and stand in for the President when necessary.
The Treasurer, to maintain the accounts of the Society, report to the members thereon, and to stand in for the Secretary when necessary.
The elections themselves will proceed as follows. Initially nominations for President will be asked for, candidate(s) will then give a few words in proposition, questions may be asked to the candidate(s), and then a secret ballot (everyone at the meeting (who is a member) writes down their vote on paper) will be held to determine the winner by simple majority (not counting abstentions). The same will then follow for Secretary and Treasurer. Following this any other positions can be nominated and voted on.
To be nominated you must be proposed by another member, and then seconded by another different member - you must also be a member. You may stand for as many roles as you like, although once you have been appointed to one you cannot stand for another. You may propose or second as many other members as you like (but only 1 per position). For each position you may vote to abstain from voting.
If you are considering standing and need a proposer/seconder feel free to get in touch with committee@ox.compsoc.netmailto:committee@ox.compsoc.net as we would be happy to support any candidates looking to stand.