Hello everyone,
Thanks for signing up to CompSoc's freshers' fair mailing list - it's great to have your interest, and we hope you'll enjoy our events this term.
The first event, as those of you who took some paper from us will know, is the Freshers' Meet:
Freshers' Meet --------------
Thursday 16th October (Thursday 1st Week), 19:00 Prestwich Room, St John's College
The Freshers' Meet is your chance to come along and meet the current committee and current members, and find out more about what we do, as well as enjoy some of the free food and drink we'll be putting on.
It starts at 7pm but we'll be there all evening, so feel free to pop in and say hello if you're around later. The room will be signposted from the St John's Porters' Lodge, and one of us will be there at the start to say hello as well.
I hope to see you there; if you want to sign up to CompSoc, we'll have membership forms on hand, and if you took one at the Fair you can hand it in there and then (preferably with the money, but you can always pidge that to us).
Remember, all of the events from now until 4th week are free for non-members, so come along and enjoy them! Next week we'll have the OUCS tour and a pubmeet; I'll send along more details nearer the time. You can always find the current termcard at http://ox.compsoc.net/ - as we confirm venues and get more speaker details, they'll appear there.
See you Thursday!