Hi all,
Hope everyone's exams are going well!
Our secretary is also dealing with hers at the moment as well so I'll be taking over the final communications of term.
Take care, Lize, CompSoc President
------------------------------ AGM and Committee Election https://fb.me/e/2qz3r8CXJ
19:00-22:30, Wednesday 15th June, Week 8, Hybrid: online and in UGSA, Department of Computer Science The main order of business this week is to advertise *committee positions* for next year. If you want to run for any of the following roles, please get in touch! We will be holding elections at the *upcoming AGM, Wednesday of week 8. *
Being a part of the committee is an excellent way to meet fun, like-minded people (and it looks great on your CV). We are sponsored by some big names in industry, which also allows great freedom for hosting some really exciting (and free) events.
As was voted on in a previous TGM, our key roles now have sub-roles for people who want to host events centred on specific interests related to computer science. The key positions are:
*President* *Vice-president* *Secretary* *Social Secretary* *Treasurer*
The social sec is responsible for hosting our weekly socials every Saturday (typically a pizza-based event in the Wolfson Building) and organising our sponsor events, but you may also want to run for a sub-role of social sec to organise more* spicy socials*, such as:
*Leader of LAN and Gaming* *Leader of Coding Workshops* *Leader of Excursions* *Leader of Retro Computing*
*etc.* Or any further suggestions you may think of to help us spend our sponsors' money on fun events that draw people to our society.
If you'd like to nominate yourself, *please send your information* (name, degree course, role of interest) to committee@ox.compsoc.net committee@ox.compsoc.net
------------------------------ Oxford Computer Science Conference
Tuesday 14th June, Week 8, Department of Computer Science
The Oxford Computer Science Conference is a casual department-wide social activity masquerading under the guise of a conference. Come meet your peers, and learn about what they are doing. All are welcome.
Please see the attached flyer for more information and to sign up. The slots for the 20 min presentations have been filled, but you can still give a 2-5 min lightning presentation and sign up to attend. There will be free lunch and a drinks reception. ------------------------------
The Oxford University Computer Society (CompSoc) aims to organise meetings and events for our members to use and further their computing interests. See all of our upcoming events on our Facebook page https://facebook.com/oxcompsoc/ or visit our website https://ox.compsoc.net/ for more information about the society.
Want to unsubscribe or manage your subscription preferences? Go to http://lists.ox.compsoc.net/mailman/listinfo/.