Dear freshers,
Congratulations; if you're receiving this e-mail, we were able to make out your handwriting. It was great seeing you all at the freshers' fair.
Now on to the membership details: The first 25 people who take out a life membership of the society at Freshers' Drinks can have: A copy of the latest issue (no. 54) of Linux User and Developer magazine (donated by the publisher). This comes with a DVD that includes OpenSolaris and has a cover price of 5.99 - which is more than the membership fee in the first week!
Plus 1 DVD chosen from: - Fedora Core 4 (donated by Red Hat); - Suse Linux Professional 9.2 (donated by Linux Magazine - cover DVD from May 2005 issue); - Knoppix 4 (donated by Linux Magazine - cover DVD from Nov 2005 issue).
In addition, the first 100 people to join this term can have: An archive DVD containing the first 49 issues of Linux Magazine (donated by the publisher).
The fee structure is as follows: Week 1 Thereafter Annual 3.00 6.00 Lifetime 5.00 10.00 There will be a charge of 3 pounds for non-members at our events.
The termcard should be ready today or tomorrow. In the mean time, let me advertise our first event of the term;
Fresher's drinks Friday 14 Oct 19:30, Lamb & Flag (St Giles Rd.) ------------------------------------------------ Freshers' Drinks is a chance to meet existing Compsoc members and find out what the society's all about. We'll be there all evening (as usual!) and will hopefully be easy to spot, so drop by at any time.
Wish to see you all there.
Cheers, Ken.
+---------------+ Ken Kawamoto St Edmund Hall, Oxford President, Oxford University Computer Society