[Oxford CompSoc banner graphic] [6th Week] Hilary Term Week 7 Newsletter End of Term Social, AGM and Coq!
Salut, Kindly Friend,
Whew, almost at the end of term already! As we step into Week 7, we take a breather with a marginally quieter week than its forebears.
On Friday, we'll be holding our End of Term Social! At 8pm, we'll be headed down to Oxo Bar to see out the term in style with free drinks and lively conversation. Please note that there'll be no entry after 9pm – event details are below.
We begin Saturday evening at 5:30pm, when we'll be in the Department of Computer Science's Seminar Room 051 to hear all about the theorem proving software Coq. Make sure to come along if you're interested in finding formal proofs with code!
Afterwards, at 7pm, we'll retire to the Undergraduate Social Area for a special yearly occurrence – the Annual General Meeting! We'll elect a brand new committee and then vote on your motions, before kicking back and enjoying some pizza.
— Declan, your earnest CompSoc envoy
Fun Computing Fact: We've mentioned Usenet in passing for some fun facts before, but did you know that Oxford once had its own news server (a server holding Usenet posts, referred to as news) and university newsgroups? By connecting to the University's news server, one could post to a range of newsgroups, which hosted discussion through to the 2010s. CompSoc even had its own newsgroup, ox.clubs.microsoc, which received postings detailing upcoming events through to 2005. The University's news server remains online to this day!
Upcoming CompSoc Elections
On Saturday 8th March, we'll be holding CompSoc's Annual General Meeting to elect a new committee! We're seeking candidates to fill the eleven roles up for grabs in the brand new incarnation of the committee. Those positions are:
* President * Vice-President * Secretary * Treasurer * Social Secretary * Talks Officer
* Learn to Code Officer * Competitive Programming Officer * Cybersecurity (CTF) Officer * IT Officer * Legal Counsel
If you'd like to learn more, including what each position entails, check out the guide written by our President and our former Vice-President herehttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1wksW5XMIUBRdrHe_U1iuhPBjKAdhnhKv/view?usp=drive_link.
If you're interested in standing for election, please fill out this formhttps://forms.gle/3ufBPA8MvUdd2wcD6.
Still not a member? How?! Membership only costs £1 for LIFE, with tons of benefits - discounts on merch and tickets, free food at all socials, our exclusive Discord server and more - so it's definitely worth signing up!
[Be a member]https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/
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[Events] End of Term Social [https://3f02beb114.imgdist.com/pub/bfra/jofz1jq9/t0j/a4i/0ql/PNG%20End%20of%...]
As the end of the term approaches and the call of vacation beckons, it's time to celebrate! Join us as we see out Hilary Term in style on Friday at 8pm, when we'll be down at Oxo Bar to loosen up with thrilling conversation and free drinks. If you're tired out from the tedium of the term, make sure to come along! Please note that there will be no entry after 9pm.
When: 8pm, Friday 7th March
Where: Oxo Bar 48 George St, Oxford OX1 2AQ
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/5ekFX2mXk
Learn to Code – Theorising with Coq [https://3f02beb114.imgdist.com/pub/bfra/jofz1jq9/dad/9hz/8mj/PNG%20Learn%20t...]
For our specialised Learn to Code session this week, it's time to get logical! Join us on Saturday at 5:30pm, when we'll be in the Department to learn all about Coq, a formal proof management system which can be used to define and derive proofs. If you're interested in exploring proofs with code, come along and prove your mettle!
When: 5:30-6:30pm, Saturday 8th March
Where: Seminar Room 051, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/8yDXinDC6
CompSoc Annual General Meeting [https://3f02beb114.imgdist.com/pub/bfra/jofz1jq9/u3l/2yp/6ic/PNG%20HT25%20An...]
This Saturday, we're back for a rare yearly occurrence – CompSoc's Annual General Meeting! Join us at 7pm as we convene to discuss your suggestions and vote on your motions to improve the society. Most importantly, we'll also be electing a brand new committee! Afterwards, we'll see out the term with a classic Saturday Social.
If you're a member interested in running for our committee, see this guidehttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1wksW5XMIUBRdrHe_U1iuhPBjKAdhnhKv/view! Once you've had a read, you can apply to run herehttps://forms.gle/3ufBPA8MvUdd2wcD6. We have plenty of positions up for grabs, and some committee experience is a great way to pad out your CV while showing your interest and dedication to the world of computing. We'll hear speeches from everyone who's running before we hold blind votes for each position.
Voting for committee and motions is restricted to members only. If you're not a member yet, hop on over to our websitehttps://ox.compsoc.net/ and get signed up! Lifetime membership only costs £1. Members can propose motions in the #motions channel of our Discord serverhttps://discord.com/invite/cUZFPG5WZ6 (please note that you must be present at the AGM to propose the motion).
When: 7pm, Saturday 8th March
Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/4xpjC3UCE
[And More...] Hilary Term 2025 Termcard [https://3f02beb114.imgdist.com/pub/bfra/jofz1jq9/am3/vub/5k8/HT25%20Termcard...] Check Out OxWoCS!
Make sure to join OxWoCS (Oxford Women in CS), a society we're working closely with, if you identify as a woman or woman-adjacent person in CS! They have a host of wonderful events on, including talks, panels and socials. Computer Science is unfortunately a subject with one of the biggest gender gaps in Oxford and worldwide, and addressing this is at the core of OxWoCS.
[Follow Us] [Web Site]https://ox.compsoc.net/ [Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/oxcompsoc/ [Instagram] https://www.instagram.com/ox.compsoc/ [Discord] https://discord.com/invite/cUZFPG5WZ6 [YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdzpxzUZ2i84x5WyVR36Cg [TikTok] https://www.tiktok.com/@ox.compsoc.net
or, contact us at committee@ox.compsoc.net
[Our Sponsors] [Jane Street] [https://3f02beb114.imgdist.com/pub/bfra/jofz1jq9/kh5/aqi/rap/g330.png] [Citadel] [https://3f02beb114.imgdist.com/pub/bfra/jofz1jq9/11s/ilc/mex/Quantco_1.png] [https://3f02beb114.imgdist.com/pub/bfra/jofz1jq9/2x2/kvw/7vb/qrt%20white%20%...] [https://3f02beb114.imgdist.com/pub/bfra/jofz1jq9/b5r/5u0/t1h/Untitled%2029.p...] [TPP]
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