UCL FIndS proudly presents:
Date: 22^nd & 23^rd (Sat & Sun) March 2014
Venue: Level 39, 1 Canada Square, London, E14 5AB
In partnership with Thomson Reuters, UCL FIndS is organizing the 3^rd biannual hackathon at Level39, in Canary Wharf. In this fast-paced 24-hour competition, you will form teams in order to develop an idea centred on news content discovery for tablet and phone. Eikon is Thomson Reuters flagship market data desktop, which aims to provide the most intelligent and intuitive user experience for financial professionals. With powerful search-driven navigation, Thomson Reuters Eikon combines Thomson Reuters' unique content and insight with innovative visualization and analytics tools.
Successful candidates will be given training beforehand in the form of toolkits and virtual tutorials in order to familiarize with the Thomson Reuters Eikon platform. During the event food, sweets and an endless supply of refreshments will be provided. You may take breaks as often as you like, as long as you finish you project within the allotted time.
After 24 hours of coding, every team will present their project to the jury, but only a handful of teams will be selected to give a more detailed presentation in the final round of assessment. Prizes will be offered for the top 3 places, but the biggest rewards will be reserved for the winning team.
By participating in EikonHack you will get to meet talented individuals from all over the UK and France, visit Thomson Reuters' Canary Wharf HQ, and network with judges and technical advisors. High-valued prizes plus meet and greet with members of the leadership team will be enjoyed by the winning team.
It's time to impress!
Registration deadline: 12^th of March 2014, 12 pm
Sign-up here: http://eikonhack.com/
Connect via Facebook: http://facebook.com/eikonhack