Looking for a part time employee or co-founder to help with development of EventMost.com Eventmost is a website that aggregates events from Eventbrite.com, Facebook events, and meetup.com. We also make it so a planner can create his or her own event, but unlike eventbrite, or meetup, there is a social network inside the event (like facebook events.) There is also a dropbox for events, making it very easy to get ppts or photos from events. It’s about 70% developed but we could really use some help! Will pay £12/hour cash. And if person becomes more interested, we’d like to talk equity.
Please email me at: president@oxfordentrepreneurs.co.uk if interested! Thanks.
About EventMost dev: EventMost is coded in one language. Javascript. The backend is powered by node.js (a javascript framework), we use Jade on the server to compile a template into HTML. The whole app is coded MVC-style to ensure maximal scalability. On the front-end, EventMost uses Angular.js, a javascript framework binding HTML markup to javascript and thus enabling faster and more efficient way to send data back and forth to the server. EventMost is using HTML5 technologies such as Geolocation, persistent data storage and Ajax Requests Looking for a part time employee or co-founder to help with development of EventMost.com Eventmost is a website that aggregates events from Eventbrite.com, Facebook events, and meetup.com. We also make it so a planner can create his or her own event, but unlike eventbrite, or meetup, there is a social network inside the event (like facebook events.) There is also a dropbox for events, making it very easy to get ppts or photos from events. It’s about 70% developed but we could really use some help! Will pay £12/hour cash. And if person becomes more interested, we’d like to talk equity. Please email me at: president@oxfordentrepreneurs.co.uk if interested! Thanks. About EventMost dev: EventMost is coded in one language. Javascript. The backend is powered by node.js (a javascript framework), we use Jade on the server to compile a template into HTML. The whole app is coded MVC-style to ensure maximal scalability. On the front-end, EventMost uses Angular.js, a javascript framework binding HTML markup to javascript and thus enabling faster and more efficient way to send data back and forth to the server. EventMost is using HTML5 technologies such as Geolocation, persistent data storage and Ajax Requests