Greetings humans,
Exams dawn upon many of us, the sun shines brightly in the morning skies, and each fateful tick of the clock brings us a second closer to a hopefully glorious finale.
There's an astronomy/modern data science public lecture happening next week in Clarendon Laboratory.
Reminder that the deadline to submit a CV to *Ensoft* is *tomorrow noon, Tuesday 12/06.* Details can be found in last week's newsletter, or at this link *.*
*The CompSoc Committee – Joe G, Edward H, Ben S* Events Geek Night 8
*19:00, Saturday 8th Week – UGSA, Department of Computer Science*
Bring your laptop again for the term's final evening of fun, food and drink! A nice way to chill a little in the midst of gruelling examinations. Other notices
*The following notice is for the Wetton Lecture.* Realising The Astronomy of the Future III
This lecture will be delivered by Professor David W. Hogg (Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics, New York University).
This is free to attend and aimed at those with a curiosity for both astronomy and/or modern data science. Asking and answering the questions regarding 'how' the amazing results in exoplanet research are achieved.
It will be held on Tuesday the 19th June at 5pm at the Martin Wood Lecture Theatre, Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road, Oxford. Though we recommend being there early to get seated. ------------------------------
The Oxford University Computer Society (CompSoc) aims to organise meetings and events for our members to use and further their computing interests. See all of our upcoming events on our Facebook Page or visit our Website for more information about the society.
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