[Oxford CompSoc banner graphic]
[6th Week]
Hilary Term Week 8 Newsletter
Competitive Programming and Presburger Arithmetic Talk!
Good Evening, CompSoc-ers,
Here we are at last, at Week 8! As a new committee arrives and the term winds to a close, our schedule begins to settle with two final events.
On Monday, we're back for one last Competitive Programming stint! Join us tomorrow at 7:30pm to face off against your friends and foes one last time before the term wraps up.
On Thursday at 5pm, we'll be joined by SWAG Officer-elect Hera Brown for an insightful talk on decidable extensions to Presburger arithmetic! Make sure to come along for our final talk of the term.
If you missed our Annual General Meeting, you can also find our new committee below. On that note, until next term... toodle-pip!
— Declan, CompSoc Secretary
Fun Computing Fact: I expect we're all familiar with the video game DOOM and all its incarnations on different platforms (including TypeScript's type system<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mCsluv5FXA>), but you're probably less familiar with the techniques its original 1993 release used to run at a playable speed. Coming at a time before the advent of the 3D graphics accelerator units which would become modern-day GPUs, DOOM had to be rendered in software on the CPUs of the time – slow Intel 386 or 486 processors which predate the Pentium.
One of the hardest tasks was making sure walls that shouldn't be seen weren't visible to the player. id Software's developers used a technique new to video games – binary space partitioning, familiar to those who've taken Computer Graphics. DOOM's levels contained binary trees where leaves were convex subsectors, formed by subdividing the map by wall planes. Nodes represent level planes, with two children describing what's in front or behind that plane. These BSP trees could be precomputed, allowing the game to quickly determine rendering order at any point in the level by traversing the tree in reverse.
New CompSoc Committee
At last night's Annual General Meeting, members elected the new committee to lead CompSoc through 2025/26. Please welcome the following individuals!
* President – Raphael Darley (Balliol, he/him)
* Vice-President – Bohdan Boholiubskyi (Christ Church, he/him)
* Secretary – Declan Osborne (Christ Church, he/him)
* Treasurer – Arnav Sharma (New, he/him)
Social Secretaries
* Emma Czanner (Hertford)
* Pramiti Sriram (Hertford)
* Talks Officer – Asfur Malik (Jesus, they/them)
* Learn to Code Officer – Zachary Tsang (St Hugh's, he/him)
Competitive Programming Officers
* Daohong Liu (Corpus Christi, he/him)
* Adhish Kancharla (Magdalen)
CTF Officers
* Shane Ong (St Catherine's, he/him)
* Louis-Emile Ploix (St Catherine's, he/him)
* IT Officer – Barnaby Sharp Foyster (Pembroke, he/him)
SWAG Officers
* Hera Brown (St Catherine's, they/them)
* Tadayoshi Kamegai (Merton, he/him)
* Hackathon Officer – Arjun Khandelwal (Christ Church, he/him)
* Legal Counsel – Parul Sinha (Brasenose)
Still not a member? How?! Membership only costs £1 for LIFE, with tons of benefits - discounts on merch and tickets, free food at all socials, our exclusive Discord server and more - so it's definitely worth signing up!
[Be a member]<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/>
or, go to https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/?fbclid=IwAR1Oe_vwCudNvU…>
Competitive Programming – Eighth Week Contest
As Week 8 rolls around, it's time to close out our Competitive Programming sessions for the term! Come along this Monday at 7:30pm as we prepare to face off against friends and battle one last time before the term closes out. Feel free to join us regardless of your skill level – we're open to beginners and experts alike!
When: 7:30-9:30pm, Monday 10th March
Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/2Qx6f1B75
Decidable Extensions of Presburger Arithmetic
We may be days away from the end of term and the bliss of vacation, but it's never too late for a good talk! This Thursday, we'll be joined at 5pm by former President and SWAG Officer-elect Hera Brown for a talk on the topic of decidable extensions to Presburger arithmetic, the first-order logic theory of the natural numbers with addition. Make sure to join us for our last talk of the term!
When: 5-6pm, Thursday 13th March
Where: Lecture Theatre A, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/6mtiwgQYM
[And More...]
Hilary Term 2025 Termcard
Check Out OxWoCS!
Make sure to join OxWoCS (Oxford Women in CS), a society we're working closely with, if you identify as a woman or woman-adjacent person in CS! They have a host of wonderful events on, including talks, panels and socials. Computer Science is unfortunately a subject with one of the biggest gender gaps in Oxford and worldwide, and addressing this is at the core of OxWoCS.
[Follow Us]
[Web Site]<https://ox.compsoc.net/> [Facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/oxcompsoc/> [Instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/ox.compsoc/> [Discord] <https://discord.com/invite/cUZFPG5WZ6> [YouTube] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdzpxzUZ2i84x5WyVR36Cg> [TikTok] <https://www.tiktok.com/@ox.compsoc.net>
or, contact us at committee(a)ox.compsoc.net
[Our Sponsors]
[Jane Street]
Manage your email preferences or unsubscribe here<https://lists.ox.compsoc.net/mailman/listinfo>.
[Designed with BEE]<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…> Designed with BEE<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…>
[Oxford CompSoc banner graphic]
[6th Week]
Hilary Term Week 7 Newsletter
End of Term Social, AGM and Coq!
Salut, Kindly Friend,
Whew, almost at the end of term already! As we step into Week 7, we take a breather with a marginally quieter week than its forebears.
On Friday, we'll be holding our End of Term Social! At 8pm, we'll be headed down to Oxo Bar to see out the term in style with free drinks and lively conversation. Please note that there'll be no entry after 9pm – event details are below.
We begin Saturday evening at 5:30pm, when we'll be in the Department of Computer Science's Seminar Room 051 to hear all about the theorem proving software Coq. Make sure to come along if you're interested in finding formal proofs with code!
Afterwards, at 7pm, we'll retire to the Undergraduate Social Area for a special yearly occurrence – the Annual General Meeting! We'll elect a brand new committee and then vote on your motions, before kicking back and enjoying some pizza.
— Declan, your earnest CompSoc envoy
Fun Computing Fact: We've mentioned Usenet in passing for some fun facts before, but did you know that Oxford once had its own news server (a server holding Usenet posts, referred to as news) and university newsgroups? By connecting to the University's news server, one could post to a range of newsgroups, which hosted discussion through to the 2010s. CompSoc even had its own newsgroup, ox.clubs.microsoc, which received postings detailing upcoming events through to 2005. The University's news server remains online to this day!
Upcoming CompSoc Elections
On Saturday 8th March, we'll be holding CompSoc's Annual General Meeting to elect a new committee! We're seeking candidates to fill the eleven roles up for grabs in the brand new incarnation of the committee. Those positions are:
* President
* Vice-President
* Secretary
* Treasurer
* Social Secretary
* Talks Officer
* Learn to Code Officer
* Competitive Programming Officer
* Cybersecurity (CTF) Officer
* IT Officer
* Legal Counsel
If you'd like to learn more, including what each position entails, check out the guide written by our President and our former Vice-President here<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wksW5XMIUBRdrHe_U1iuhPBjKAdhnhKv/view?usp=…>.
If you're interested in standing for election, please fill out this form<https://forms.gle/3ufBPA8MvUdd2wcD6>.
Still not a member? How?! Membership only costs £1 for LIFE, with tons of benefits - discounts on merch and tickets, free food at all socials, our exclusive Discord server and more - so it's definitely worth signing up!
[Be a member]<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/>
or, go to https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/?fbclid=IwAR1Oe_vwCudNvU…>
End of Term Social
As the end of the term approaches and the call of vacation beckons, it's time to celebrate! Join us as we see out Hilary Term in style on Friday at 8pm, when we'll be down at Oxo Bar to loosen up with thrilling conversation and free drinks. If you're tired out from the tedium of the term, make sure to come along! Please note that there will be no entry after 9pm.
When: 8pm, Friday 7th March
Where: Oxo Bar 48 George St, Oxford OX1 2AQ
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/5ekFX2mXk
Learn to Code – Theorising with Coq
For our specialised Learn to Code session this week, it's time to get logical! Join us on Saturday at 5:30pm, when we'll be in the Department to learn all about Coq, a formal proof management system which can be used to define and derive proofs. If you're interested in exploring proofs with code, come along and prove your mettle!
When: 5:30-6:30pm, Saturday 8th March
Where: Seminar Room 051, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/8yDXinDC6
CompSoc Annual General Meeting
This Saturday, we're back for a rare yearly occurrence – CompSoc's Annual General Meeting! Join us at 7pm as we convene to discuss your suggestions and vote on your motions to improve the society. Most importantly, we'll also be electing a brand new committee! Afterwards, we'll see out the term with a classic Saturday Social.
If you're a member interested in running for our committee, see this guide<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wksW5XMIUBRdrHe_U1iuhPBjKAdhnhKv/view>! Once you've had a read, you can apply to run here<https://forms.gle/3ufBPA8MvUdd2wcD6>. We have plenty of positions up for grabs, and some committee experience is a great way to pad out your CV while showing your interest and dedication to the world of computing. We'll hear speeches from everyone who's running before we hold blind votes for each position.
Voting for committee and motions is restricted to members only. If you're not a member yet, hop on over to our website<https://ox.compsoc.net/> and get signed up! Lifetime membership only costs £1. Members can propose motions in the #motions channel of our Discord server<https://discord.com/invite/cUZFPG5WZ6> (please note that you must be present at the AGM to propose the motion).
When: 7pm, Saturday 8th March
Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/4xpjC3UCE
[And More...]
Hilary Term 2025 Termcard
Check Out OxWoCS!
Make sure to join OxWoCS (Oxford Women in CS), a society we're working closely with, if you identify as a woman or woman-adjacent person in CS! They have a host of wonderful events on, including talks, panels and socials. Computer Science is unfortunately a subject with one of the biggest gender gaps in Oxford and worldwide, and addressing this is at the core of OxWoCS.
[Follow Us]
[Web Site]<https://ox.compsoc.net/> [Facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/oxcompsoc/> [Instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/ox.compsoc/> [Discord] <https://discord.com/invite/cUZFPG5WZ6> [YouTube] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdzpxzUZ2i84x5WyVR36Cg> [TikTok] <https://www.tiktok.com/@ox.compsoc.net>
or, contact us at committee(a)ox.compsoc.net
[Our Sponsors]
[Jane Street]
Manage your email preferences or unsubscribe here<https://lists.ox.compsoc.net/mailman/listinfo>.
[Designed with BEE]<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…> Designed with BEE<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…>
[Oxford CompSoc banner graphic]
[6th Week]
Hilary Term Week 6 Newsletter
Graduate Social, COBOL, Saturday Social and More!
Guten Tag, Acquaintance,
Emerging undaunted from Week 5, here we are in Week 6! We have a range of events this week new and old.
This Thursday, we're catering to the graduates amongst us with a brand new graduate social! We'll be at the Oxford Retreat from 8pm for a night tailored just for graduates. If you're interested, make sure to sign up and register your interest below!
Our ever-present duo is back on Saturday with a double bill of Learn to Code and a Saturday Social! At 5:30pm, we'll be in the Department's Seminar Room 051 to delve into the antiquated and yet curious world of COBOL. Afterwards, at 7pm, we'll be in the Undergraduate Social Area to kick back and relax with a hot slice of pizza in a classic Saturday Social.
Finally, we're now accepting motions for our upcoming Annual General Meeting! If you'd like to help shape the future of CompSoc, you can submit a motion to be voted on – just join our Discord server and post it in our #motions channel.
— Declan, your loquacious CompSoc envoy
Fun Computing Fact: It's common amongst some to think of a computer's CPU as an infallible oracle, but this wasn't the case back in 1994! In December 1994, Intel issued the first ever full recall for a chip after faults were discovered in the floating point unit of their flagship Pentium processor. The bug occurred due to new optimisations for floating point operations, which failed due to missing values in an embedded lookup table.
The scope of the error was small – in most cases, the error in the result would only reach up to the ninth significant digit. Efforts were made to patch the issue in software – up to XP, Windows would offer to disable the floating point unit if a faulty CPU was detected and use software emulation. After the bug, the use of formal verification for hardware designs increased to avoid similar such problems.
Upcoming CompSoc Elections
On Saturday 8th March, we'll be holding CompSoc's Annual General Meeting to elect a new committee! We're seeking candidates to fill the eleven roles up for grabs in the brand new incarnation of the committee. Those positions are:
* President
* Vice-President
* Secretary
* Treasurer
* Social Secretary
* Talks Officer
* Learn to Code Officer
* Competitive Programming Officer
* Cybersecurity (CTF) Officer
* IT Officer
* Legal Counsel
If you'd like to learn more, including what each position entails, check out the guide written by our President and our former Vice-President here<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wksW5XMIUBRdrHe_U1iuhPBjKAdhnhKv/view?usp=…>.
If you're interested in standing for election, please fill out this form<https://forms.gle/3ufBPA8MvUdd2wcD6>.
Still not a member? How?! Membership only costs £1 for LIFE, with tons of benefits - discounts on merch and tickets, free food at all socials, our exclusive Discord server and more - so it's definitely worth signing up!
[Be a member]<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/>
or, go to https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/?fbclid=IwAR1Oe_vwCudNvU…>
Submit Motions for the Annual General Meeting
Our Annual General Meeting is next Friday, and we're looking for your help to expand and develop our by-laws! If you want to leave your mark and help shape the future of CompSoc, this is your chance to submit a motion to be voted on by CompSoc members at the AGM. Any member can submit a motion – you don't need to be on Committee!
Motions must be proposed by a member who is present at the AGM – if you submit a motion, make sure you attend for it to be voted on! If you're interested, join our Discord – members can post motions in our #motions channel.
Join our Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/cUZFPG5WZ6<https://fb.me/e/6uKXpFkfm><https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1><https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1>
Graduate Social at the Oxford Retreat
If you're a graduate feeling left out from our usual event offering, we have an event this week just for you! Join us at 8pm on Thursday for an all-new graduate social! We'll be down at the Oxford Retreat for a night of socialising and scintillating conversation. If you're interested, sign up with the link below!
When: 8pm, Thursday 27th February
Where: The Oxford Retreat 1-2 Hythe Bridge St, Oxford OX1 2EW
Sign up here: <https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1> <https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1> https://forms.gle/jA5CH6NYKccSd8EDA<https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1><https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1>
Learn to Code – Coaxing COBOL
Have you ever dreamed of maintaining legacy government and business financial systems? If so, our Learn to Code session this Saturday is just for you! Come along this Saturday at 5:30pm as we delve into the mysterious world of COBOL, the language which has driven business mainframes for decades and which thrives to this day.
When: 5:30-6:30pm, Saturday 1st March
Where: Seminar Room 051, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/izXA32b3w
Saturday Social with Pizza
After the trepidation and thrill of our game jam last week, let's take a step back and relax! Join us this Saturday after Learn to Code at 7pm for a classic CompSoc Saturday Social experience! We'll be kicking back in the Undergraduate Social with snacks, light conversation and, most importantly, pizza! Make sure to come along for a peaceful end to the week.
When: 7pm, Saturday 1st March
Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/3IewOetD1
[And More...]
Hilary Term 2025 Termcard
Check Out OxWoCS!
Make sure to join OxWoCS (Oxford Women in CS), a society we're working closely with, if you identify as a woman or woman-adjacent person in CS! They have a host of wonderful events on, including talks, panels and socials. Computer Science is unfortunately a subject with one of the biggest gender gaps in Oxford and worldwide, and addressing this is at the core of OxWoCS.
[Follow Us]
[Web Site]<https://ox.compsoc.net/> [Facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/oxcompsoc/> [Instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/ox.compsoc/> [Discord] <https://discord.com/invite/cUZFPG5WZ6> [YouTube] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdzpxzUZ2i84x5WyVR36Cg> [TikTok] <https://www.tiktok.com/@ox.compsoc.net>
or, contact us at committee(a)ox.compsoc.net
[Our Sponsors]
[Jane Street]
Manage your email preferences or unsubscribe here<https://lists.ox.compsoc.net/mailman/listinfo>.
[Designed with BEE]<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…> Designed with BEE<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…>
[Oxford CompSoc banner graphic]
[6th Week]
Hilary Term Week 5 Newsletter
Artificial Intelligence Talk, Game Jam and LaTeX!
Hej, Team,
Ready to fight off those fifth week blues? We're here to help with a roster of new and exciting events!
On Thursday, CompSoc and the Invariants will be joined at 6:30pm by Professor Nigel Shadbolt for a talk on the history and the future evolution of artificial intelligence. Come along to the Maths Institute for a surely enchanting talk!
On Saturday, we're met again with our familiar friends – Learn to Code and a Saturday Social! Join us at 5:30pm in the Department to get started with typesetting system LaTeX. At 6pm, we'll be in the Undergraduate Social Area for the beginning of a game jam! Come along to hear our mystery theme. We'll also have a normal Saturday Social at 7pm, so feel free to join us even if you're an avid video game hater.
We also have some additional opportunities, to be found further below! The Graduate Social previously scheduled for this week has been moved to Week 6. Keep an eye out for future details!
— Declan, your waning CompSoc envoy
Fun Computing Fact: Windows XP is one of the most successful consumer operating systems of all time. Did you know, however, that it was originally two projects? The XP project was spawned from the combination of Microsoft Codenames Neptune and Odyssey.
While Odyssey was never revealed, one build of Neptune was released to testers and leaked to the Internet. The build displayed several features which got shelved and then included years after in later Windows versions, such as fast boot. The build also included fullscreen HTML-based Activity Centers to replace the start menu and other UI elements – something very similar to Windows 8's controversial start screen!
Upcoming CompSoc Elections
On Saturday 8th March, we'll be holding CompSoc's Annual General Meeting to elect a new committee! We're seeking candidates to fill the eleven roles up for grabs in the brand new incarnation of the committee. Those positions are:
* President
* Vice-President
* Secretary
* Treasurer
* Social Secretary
* Talks Officer
* Learn to Code Officer
* Competitive Programming Officer
* Cybersecurity (CTF) Officer
* IT Officer
* Legal Counsel
If you'd like to learn more, including what each position entails, check out the guide written by our President and our former Vice-President here<https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wksW5XMIUBRdrHe_U1iuhPBjKAdhnhKv/view?usp=…>.
If you're interested in standing for election, please fill out this form<https://forms.gle/3ufBPA8MvUdd2wcD6>.
Still not a member? How?! Membership only costs £1 for LIFE, with tons of benefits - discounts on merch and tickets, free food at all socials, our exclusive Discord server and more - so it's definitely worth signing up!
[Be a member]<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/>
or, go to https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/?fbclid=IwAR1Oe_vwCudNvU…>
The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
Want to take a look back at one of the most pivotal fields of research in the current world of technology? Join us this Thursday, as CompSoc and the Invariants are joined by 5:30pm by Professor Nigel Shadbolt to take a look at previous developments in the field of artificial intelligence, before looking to the future.
Abstract: This talk will review key developments in the history of artificial intelligence. It will draw a number of historical lessons for current and future systems. We'll examine the technical challenges facing current generative AI and consider ways in which the subject is likely to evolve.
When: 5:30-6:30pm, Thursday 20th February
Where: Lecture Theatre 1, Mathematical Institute Andrew Wiles Building, Woodstock Rd, Oxford OX2 6GG
Click 'Going' here: <https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1> <https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1> https://fb.me/e/6uKXpFkfm<https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1><https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1>
Learn to Code – Traversing LaTeX
It's nearly the end of the week and you know what time it is! Come down to the Department this Saturday at 5:30pm for another supplementary Learn to Code session, where this time we'll be checking out famed typesetting system LaTeX. If you've got a project report or an essay you desperately want to make look fancy, make sure to come along!
When: 5:30-6:30pm, Saturday 22nd February
Where: Seminar Room 051, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/7pbCFFqZB
Saturday Social – Game Jam
This Saturday, we've got a brand new term-time event for your delectation! Join us at 6pm this Saturday for the introduction to a game jam! With a yet-to-be-revealed theme, we'll then be working on games the next day. We'll also be having a traditional CompSoc Saturday Social at 7pm, so there's something for everyone!
When: 6pm, Saturday 22nd February
Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/5eD9xq7hu
[And More...]
Dinner Opportunity with QuantCo
Meet our data scientists, AI experts, and software engineers for dinner in Oxford on March 5th!
QuantCo is a machine learning company headquartered in the US and has several offices in Europe. We were founded in 2016 by four PhDs from Harvard and Stanford and have grown to more than 200 colleagues globally. We leverage cutting-edge research to real-world problems whilst collaborating with market-leading organisations. Our teams build machine learning models and engineer systems that algorithmically price products, identify fraud, and detect cancer.
Due to limited availability, please register your interest by filling in this form with your CV and dietary requirements by February 26th. We will get back to you in the same week.
Sign up here: https://jobs.lever.co/quantco-/bdb766e9-fe6e-4493-b113-fc230952f324
Job Opportunity – Graduate Technical Engineer at TPP
We are currently looking for bright graduates to join our close-knit technical team, this diverse role will allow you to kick start your career in the tech industry. Don’t be put off by the breadth of this role as on the job training will be provided in all areas listed below!
• SQL Server DBA – optimisation, upgrading & managing
• Cyber Security & Networks – research & implementation
• Hardware – projects to test & upgrade both hands on & remotely
• Scoping and building global infrastructure for our mobile patient apps
• Windows & Server Administration – patching & performance testing
You will actively participate in the designing, maintaining and upgrading of services that are critical to the NHS and many healthcare organisations around the world. You will be working as a team to address the current challenges such as the rapid expansion of our mobile Apps and AI as we scale on an international level.
You will also have the opportunity to travel internationally to scope out data centres, design and size new projects and join in on technical discussions at government level.
If you enjoy solving technical problems, have an interest in technology and thrive in a fast-paced environment then this role is for you.
To read what it’s like to work at TPP and to see our full list of benefits, visit www.tpp-careers.com<http://www.tpp-careers.com/><https://jobs.lever.co/quantco-/bdb766e9-fe6e-4493-b113-fc230952f324>
Hilary Term 2025 Termcard
Check Out OxWoCS!
Make sure to join OxWoCS (Oxford Women in CS), a society we're working closely with, if you identify as a woman or woman-adjacent person in CS! They have a host of wonderful events on, including talks, panels and socials. Computer Science is unfortunately a subject with one of the biggest gender gaps in Oxford and worldwide, and addressing this is at the core of OxWoCS.
[Follow Us]
[Web Site]<https://ox.compsoc.net/> [Facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/oxcompsoc/> [Instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/ox.compsoc/> [Discord] <https://discord.com/invite/cUZFPG5WZ6> [YouTube] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdzpxzUZ2i84x5WyVR36Cg> [TikTok] <https://www.tiktok.com/@ox.compsoc.net>
or, contact us at committee(a)ox.compsoc.net
[Our Sponsors]
[Jane Street]
Manage your email preferences or unsubscribe here<https://lists.ox.compsoc.net/mailman/listinfo>.
[Designed with BEE]<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…> Designed with BEE<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…>
[Oxford CompSoc banner graphic]
[6th Week]
Hilary Term Week 4 Newsletter
Competitive Programming, ChCh Gig, Learn to Code and Jackbox Games!
Dear Valued Supporter,
Here we are, yet again! What a surprise... as we step into Week 4, I bring a bunch of events for your delectation.
Today at 7pm, we'll be down in the Undergraduate Social Area for our first event of the week – another Competitive Programming contest! If you're interested, make sure to come down this week and face off against your peers.
On Wednesday, we'll be at Christ Church for an enchanting night of music and free drinks! Join us from 8pm in the Christ Church college bar, where we'll be enjoying scintillating conversation along with tunes from a student band.
On Saturday, it's time for our familiar dynamic duo – Learn to Code and a Saturday Social! At 5:30pm, we'll be in the Department of Computer Science's Seminar Room 051 to learn all about a tool you'll struggle to avoid – Bash! Afterwards, we'll retire to the Undergraduate Social Area at 7pm for a Jackbox game night. Make sure to come along and enjoy some pizza while playing fun games with friends!
— Declan, your increasingly timely CompSoc envoy
Fun Computing Fact: While the Unix-based macOS is a relatively recent piece of software, having been first released in 2001, did you know it wasn't Apple's first foray into Unix? That honour goes to A/UX, launched for the Mac in 1988! As the United States federal government required their computers to be able to run a POSIX-certified operating system, A/UX allowed Apple to bid for government contracts with the Macintosh, a platform still in its infancy.
A/UX merged a Unix backend with the Mac's System 7 operating system by running System 7's UI as a single container process under Unix, allowing users to use the familiar Mac OS interface and their existing programs alongside apps made for the X Window System, on top of a far more modern and capable platform. After the debut of Macs with PowerPC processors, A/UX was discontinued in 1995.
Still not a member? How?! Membership only costs £1 for LIFE, with tons of benefits - discounts on merch and tickets, free food at all socials, our exclusive Discord server and more - so it's definitely worth signing up!
[Be a member]<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/>
or, go to https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/?fbclid=IwAR1Oe_vwCudNvU…>
Competitive Programming – Fourth Week Contest
It's Fourth Week, and for our first event of the week, we're back with another jaunt into the world of Competitive Programming! Join us in the Undergraduate Social Area on Monday between 7:30-9:30pm to face off against your friends and peers. Everyone is welcome, whether you're a novice or an expert!
When: 7:30-9:30pm, Monday 10th February
Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: <https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1> <https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1> https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1<https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1><https://fb.me/e/aUr48QGw1>
Gig at Christ Church
Is all that work getting you down? Fancy some free drinks? Join us next Wednesday at Christ Church for a night of intrigue! We'll be down in the Christ Church bar from 8pm with a student band playing from 8:30pm onwards. With an open tab, drinks are on us, so make sure to come along and enjoy!
When: 8pm, Wednesday 12th February
Where: Christ Church St Aldates, Oxford OX1 1DP
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/jgIqOipd0
Learn to Code – Having a Bash at $Bash_
This Saturday, we're back with yet another specialised session in our Learn to Code event series! Join us between 5:30-6:30pm in the Department of Computer Science's Seminar Room 051, where we'll be having a look at Bash, the shell and command interpreter for Unix-like operating systems. If you want to firm up your familiarity with the shell, make sure to come along!
When: 5:30-6:30pm, Saturday 15th February
Where: Seminar Room 051, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/4dANoKlAv
Saturday Social – Jackbox Game Night
It's Saturday, and it's time to kick back and relax with some pizza and fun! Join us in the Department's Undergraduate Social Area this Saturday at 7pm for our latest Saturday Social, where we'll be enjoying some Jackbox party games together, along with the traditional complement of pizza and snacks.
When: 7pm, Saturday 15th February
Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/1RW2DVIjK
[And More...]
Hilary Term 2025 Termcard
Check Out OxWoCS!
Make sure to join OxWoCS (Oxford Women in CS), a society we're working closely with, if you identify as a woman or woman-adjacent person in CS! They have a host of wonderful events on, including talks, panels and socials. Computer Science is unfortunately a subject with one of the biggest gender gaps in Oxford and worldwide, and addressing this is at the core of OxWoCS.
[Follow Us]
[Web Site]<https://ox.compsoc.net/> [Facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/oxcompsoc/> [Instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/ox.compsoc/> [Discord] <https://discord.com/invite/cUZFPG5WZ6> [YouTube] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdzpxzUZ2i84x5WyVR36Cg> [TikTok] <https://www.tiktok.com/@ox.compsoc.net>
or, contact us at committee(a)ox.compsoc.net
[Our Sponsors]
[Jane Street]
Manage your email preferences or unsubscribe here<https://lists.ox.compsoc.net/mailman/listinfo>.
[Designed with BEE]<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…> Designed with BEE<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…>
[Oxford CompSoc banner graphic]
[6th Week]
Hilary Term Week 3 Newsletter
Movie Night, Ice Skating, Rust and Quantum Computing Talk!
Hallo, Chosen Ones,
As the days trundle by, welcome to Week 3! We have a selection of events this week spanning CompSoc's entire gamut of opportunities!
On Tuesday, those of you who were lucky enough to bag a ticket can join us at 8:45pm for a spot of ice skating! If you have a space, make sure to join us down at the ice rink for a night of light-hearted fun.
On Wednesday, join us in the Department of Computer Science for a talk from Aleks Kissinger, Oxford's own Associate Professor of Quantum Computing! We'll be in Lecture Theatre B from 5-6pm for an introduction to the world of quantum computing.
On Saturday, we have our typical double bill of Learn to Code and Saturday Socials! At 5:30pm, we'll be in the Department's Seminar Room 051 for a Learn to Code session on the hip and trendy language, Rust! After that, at 7pm, we'll be in the Undergraduate Social Area for a movie night! Join us for pizza, snacks and a night watching Blade Runner.
Last but not least – want to keep up to date with the latest times for our events? Add our Google Calendar here<https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=b3hmY29tcHNvY0BnbWFpbC5jb20>.
— Declan, your timely CompSoc envoy
Fun Computing Fact: Have you ever heard of Minitel? While we delved into the information delivery method of teletext last week, Minitel was a groundbreaking French online communications network launched all the way back in 1980. Utilising a videotex system, which delivered teletext-like pages over telephone lines, Minitel terminals could be used to make purchases online, book plane or train tickets and chat thirteen years before the advent of the World Wide Web! The service still had ten million monthly connections as late as 2009, before closing in 2012.
Still not a member? How?! Membership only costs £1 for LIFE, with tons of benefits - discounts on merch and tickets, free food at all socials, our exclusive Discord server and more - so it's definitely worth signing up!
[Be a member]<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/>
or, go to https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/?fbclid=IwAR1Oe_vwCudNvU…>
Ice Skating
Were you lucky enough to catch a space for this week's ice skating? Come along with us and get your skates on this Tuesday! We'll be at Oxford Ice Rink from 8:45-10pm for a spot of ice skating. If you can't come, make sure to let us know so we can pass your place on to someone else.
When: 8:45-10pm, Tuesday 4th February
Where: Oxford Ice Rink Oxpens Rd, Oxford OX1 1RX
Please only come if you have a space.
Quantum Computing – A Talk with Aleks Kissinger
This week, we have our first talk of the term! Come along and scratch that talk itch this Thursday, as we're joined by Associate Professor of Quantum Computing Aleks Kissinger. Between 5-6pm, we'll be hearing all about quantum computing and its applications.
When: 5-6pm, Thursday 6th February
Where: Lecture Theatre B, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/7nTkvhNhY
Learn to Code – Getting Started with Rust
Our specialised Learn to Code sessions this term continue this Saturday with a topic sure to catch the eye of many of our members – this week, we'll be taking a look at Rust, a safety-focused yet performant language which has taken the world by storm. Join us between 5:30-6:30pm in the Department's Seminar Room 051 as we explore the basics of Rust together!
When: 5:30-6:30pm, Saturday 8th February
Where: Seminar Room 051, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/4x21WNcO0
Saturday Social – Movie Night
This week, we're mixing up the Saturday Social format again with a classic movie night! Join us this Saturday in the Undergraduate Social Area as we watch a sci-fi classic – Blade Runner! Afterwards, as always, we'll retire to enjoy some traditional CompSoc pizza. Fun times guaranteed!
When: 7pm, Saturday 8th February
Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/fIA1oL7LW
[And More...]
Hilary Term 2025 Termcard
Check Out OxWoCS!
Make sure to join OxWoCS (Oxford Women in CS), a society we're working closely with, if you identify as a woman or woman-adjacent person in CS! They have a host of wonderful events on, including talks, panels and socials. Computer Science is unfortunately a subject with one of the biggest gender gaps in Oxford and worldwide, and addressing this is at the core of OxWoCS.
[Follow Us]
[Web Site]<https://ox.compsoc.net/> [Facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/oxcompsoc/> [Instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/ox.compsoc/> [Discord] <https://discord.com/invite/cUZFPG5WZ6> [YouTube] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdzpxzUZ2i84x5WyVR36Cg> [TikTok] <https://www.tiktok.com/@ox.compsoc.net>
or, contact us at committee(a)ox.compsoc.net
[Our Sponsors]
[Jane Street]
Manage your email preferences or unsubscribe here<https://lists.ox.compsoc.net/mailman/listinfo>.
[Designed with BEE]<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…> Designed with BEE<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…>
[Oxford CompSoc banner graphic]
[6th Week]
Hilary Term Week 2 Newsletter
Study Session, Learn Git, Saturday Pizza, Termcard and More!
Ciao, Maleficent Members,
Welcome to Week 2! Time rolls by quickly, as does our calendar of events, of which we have a few in store for you this week.
On Thursday at 1pm, we'll be popping down to Common Ground Cafe and cracking out our problem sheets for a study social! Come along and get some work done with friends while enjoying a nice hot cup.
We've got a familiar double barrel of events on Saturday! At 5:30pm, our Learn to Code sessions will return with a new twist! With the basics of programming out of the way, we'll be touching on some supplemental knowledge, starting with version control system Git this week.
At 7pm, we're in the Undergraduate Social Area for CompSoc's classic Saturday Social! Join us and reap the benefits of our benevolence with a slice of free pizza and some snacks.
We also can this week unveil our complete termcard for Hilary Term 2025, bearing a bounty of events, new and old. Check it out below! We also now have sign ups open for ice skating on Tuesday next week – sign up below if you're interested!
— Declan, your slightly tardy CompSoc envoy
Fun Computing Fact: If you're old enough, you may be familiar with the television's precursor to the Internet – teletext. Teletext was a system for transmitting pages of data to a television alongside the video feed from the TV channel, and was first developed by BBC engineers as a way of providing subtitles for deaf viewers. The system developed stored data inside the vertical blanking interval – the space between frames of video on an analogue video feed.
The BBC's implementation, Ceefax, launched in 1974. Users could read the latest headlines, check financial data and sports news, and even download microcomputer software in the 1980s. Despite support being added for teletext to the digital TV standard, Ceefax closed in 2012 with the final shutdown of analogue television.
Still not a member? How?! Membership only costs £1 for LIFE, with tons of benefits - discounts on merch and tickets, free food at all socials, our exclusive Discord server and more - so it's definitely worth signing up!
[Be a member]<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/>
or, go to https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/?fbclid=IwAR1Oe_vwCudNvU…>
Hilary Term 2025 Termcard
Ice Skating – Sign Ups Open!
Feel like getting your skates on? Hurry up and sign up to join us on Tuesday next week for a spot of ice skating at the ice rink! We'll be enjoying just over an hour of ice skating. Spaces are free but availability is limited, so make sure to sign up now with the link below if you're interested!
When: 8:45-10pm, Tuesday 4th February
Where: Oxford Ice Rink Oxpens Rd, Oxford OX1 1RX
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/irfrfE9x9cjAtVHdA
Cafe Study Social at Common Ground
Fancy getting some work done with friends over a hot cup of coffee? Head on down to Common Ground and join us this Thursday! Between 1pm and 3pm, we'll be cracking out our problem sheets and getting to work. If you're stuck with something or just want to work in company, make sure to come along!
When: 1-3pm, Thursday 30th January
Where: Common Ground Cafe 37-38 Little Clarendon St, Oxford OX1 2HF
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/ah98Dws0y
Learn to Code – Git
Now we've gotten through the basics of programming, it's time to pick up some extra skills! Join us on Saturday at 5:30pm for the return of our Learn to Code sessions this term, where we'll be covering extra content useful to anyone seeking to put their programming skills to use. This week, we'll be covering the popular version control system Git, so that you can work on your projects without needing to create a million backup copies!
When: 5:30-6:30pm, Saturday 1st February
Where: Seminar Room 051, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/1Y2VYMP2o
Saturday Social with Pizza
We're back in Week 2 with another classic Saturday Social! Come on down to the Undergraduate Social Area this Saturday at 7pm for fun conversation, scrumptious snacks and, most importantly of all, bountiful pizza. Fun times guaranteed!
When: 7pm, Saturday 1st February
Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/5e5opV7mC
[And More...]
Check Out OxWoCS!
Make sure to join OxWoCS (Oxford Women in CS), a society we're working closely with, if you identify as a woman or woman-adjacent person in CS! They have a host of wonderful events on, including talks, panels and socials. Computer Science is unfortunately a subject with one of the biggest gender gaps in Oxford and worldwide, and addressing this is at the core of OxWoCS.
[Follow Us]
[Web Site]<https://ox.compsoc.net/> [Facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/oxcompsoc/> [Instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/ox.compsoc/> [Discord] <https://discord.com/invite/cUZFPG5WZ6> [YouTube] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdzpxzUZ2i84x5WyVR36Cg> [TikTok] <https://www.tiktok.com/@ox.compsoc.net>
or, contact us at committee(a)ox.compsoc.net
[Our Sponsors]
[Jane Street]
Manage your email preferences or unsubscribe here<https://lists.ox.compsoc.net/mailman/listinfo>.
[Designed with BEE]<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…> Designed with BEE<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…>
[Oxford CompSoc banner graphic]
[6th Week]
Hilary Term Week 1 Newsletter
STEM Social, Saturday Social and Termcard (Soon)!
Welcome Back, Convivial Acquaintances,
Welcome back, one and all, to the new term! We're returning in style for the new term with a plethora of new events, including all-new higher-level Learn to Code sessions and more! This week, we have two events in store to kick off the new term...
On Friday at 7pm, we'll be joined by the Physics Society for the first social of Hilary Term! Make sure to join us at the Cosy Club for a night marked by free drinks and scintillating conversation.
On Saturday at 7pm, we're back in the Undergraduate Social Area for our start-of-term pizza and game night! Come along for your typical ration of free CompSoc pizza and snacks shared with friends, while joining in with some fun board games.
Finally, keep an eye on our Discord server and social media accounts for our brand new Hilary Term termcard headed to your screens this week, with a variety of events new and old alike!
— Declan, your rejuvenated CompSoc envoy
Fun Computing Fact: Did you know that ARM processors, which dominate the mobile industry today, owe part of their existence to the BBC? In the early 1980s, the BBC sought to join the growing microcomputer trend with the BBC Computer Literacy Project. For the project, they required a microcomputer which could be used for demonstrations on television, and approached Acorn Computers, who were working on a computer using the popular 8-bit 6502 CPU.
This computer, the BBC Micro, achieved widespread adoption across the UK education industry, being a convenient package for schools looking to add home computers to their curriculum. Acorn were not, however, satisfied with the Micro's performance, facing growing competition after the release of IBM's 16-bit Personal Computer in 1981, and began to look for processors to produce a successor.
With no 16-bit chip satisfying Acorn's criteria for a new computer, Sophie Wilson began work on a reduced instruction set architecture of Acorn's own, writing a simulator in BASIC on a BBC Micro containing a second co-processor. After being given more resources in 1983, Wilson and Steve Furber spearheaded the project to build the Acorn RISC Machine – later known by its acronym, ARM. With the ARM processor, Acorn produced the Archimedes computer with BBC branding, and the rest is history!
Still not a member? How?! Membership only costs £1 for LIFE, with tons of benefits - discounts on merch and tickets, free food at all socials, our exclusive Discord server and more - so it's definitely worth signing up!
[Be a member]<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/>
or, go to https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/<https://ox.compsoc.net/product/lifetime-membership/?fbclid=IwAR1Oe_vwCudNvU…>
STEM Social with PhysSoc
Fancy a free drink with friends? Looking to catch up with fellow STEM students? Join us this Friday at 7pm for our STEM Social, our first social of the term! We'll be joined by the Physics Society for a night of enjoyable and enlightening conversation, with drinks on us!
When: 7-8:30pm, Friday 24th January
Where: Cosy Club 20 Cornmarket St, Oxford OX1 3EY
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/FjD4cfPKz
Pizza and Game Night
Join us on Saturday at 7pm as we get right back into the swing of term with our traditional start-of-term pizza and game night! We'll be in the Undergraduate Social Area on Saturday evening with a plethora of pizzas and snacks to peruse. Come along to play games, catch up with friends and grab a late night bite to eat!
When: 7pm, Saturday 25th January
Where: Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science 7 Parks Rd, Oxford OX1 3QG
Click 'Going' here: https://fb.me/e/dyZo6ZGWc
[And More...]
Commercial Manager Role at TPP
We are looking for someone who is eager to develop their commercial awareness and really add value to TPP’s UK and international opportunities. You will be responsible for researching the legal and commercial landscape of new markets both in the UK and abroad, identifying and communicating risks of those opportunities and establishing corporate structures to deliver the business. You will also be involved in preparing bids for new contracts, including national frameworks and high value contracts.
As well as working on new opportunities you will be responsible for reviewing company policies to make sure they stay relevant and will also manage contract performance to ensure the company is meeting customer expectations. You will frequently conduct meetings with key stakeholders to negotiate contract terms and variations and subsequently lead on the delivery of those agreements, working closely with all teams within the company.
No previous experience is required and training is on-the-job, but you will require an eye for detail and excellent communication skills.
To apply, please visit https://tpp-careers.com/roles/graduate-software-developer/
Check Out OxWoCS!
Make sure to join OxWoCS (Oxford Women in CS), a society we're working closely with, if you identify as a woman or woman-adjacent person in CS! They have a host of wonderful events on, including talks, panels and socials. Computer Science is unfortunately a subject with one of the biggest gender gaps in Oxford and worldwide, and addressing this is at the core of OxWoCS.
[Follow Us]
[Web Site]<https://ox.compsoc.net/> [Facebook] <https://www.facebook.com/oxcompsoc/> [Instagram] <https://www.instagram.com/ox.compsoc/> [Discord] <https://discord.com/invite/cUZFPG5WZ6> [YouTube] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwdzpxzUZ2i84x5WyVR36Cg> [TikTok] <https://www.tiktok.com/@ox.compsoc.net>
or, contact us at committee(a)ox.compsoc.net
[Our Sponsors]
[Jane Street]
Manage your email preferences or unsubscribe here<https://lists.ox.compsoc.net/mailman/listinfo>.
[Designed with BEE]<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…> Designed with BEE<https://www.designedwithbee.com/?utm_source=editor&utm_medium=bee_pro&utm_c…>