Hello everyone,
Following the talk yesterday, Google have sent on some useful links for those of you interested in applying for internships and jobs:
Hello CompSoc! Thanks to those of you who attended our tech talk last night. We hope you enjoyed learning a bit about Site Reliability Engineering at Google. We'd love your feedback, so please take a minute to fill out this short surveyhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/1w3jRHBzD6XDiUdSj1uIYMp1pBXFoBk1M9cE02_ovXzM/viewform?entry.1181551418&entry.654154448=5160374399664128&entry.306343389&entry.1304003581&entry.1162743549 so we can improve future events.
Below is a quick recap of what I spoke about at the end of the talk regarding opportunities at Google.
What roles are we hiring for? We're hiring interns and graduates for our Software Engineering and Site Reliability Engineering teams. All openings are posted at g.co/techstudentsEMEAhttp://g.co/techstudentsEMEA.
Where could I work in Europe? We are hiring engineers into all of our engineering offices across Europe, the main ones being London and Zurich.
How should I format my CV? We recommend using a format that includes the following sections:
* Personal Information * Education (include expected graduation year) * Technical Skills (let us know how well you know each programming language you've used) * Work Experience * Extracurricular Activities * Honors/Achievements * Publications & Patents (relevant for PhDs)
Can you provide feedback on my CV? Yes! Please submit it through this formhttps://docs.google.com/a/google.com/forms/d/1aPGhh1Tua5mmhMPqCEE2MEPVsPXceOeJHUDXX6CSyA0/viewform.
How should I prepare for an interview
* Review the fundamentals - algorithms and data structures * Algorithms - Sorting, Searching, Graphs, Big-O analysis * Data Structures - Lists, Stacks and queues, Trees and graphs, Sets, Hashes and maps, Heaps * Practice on a whiteboard/shared doc with a friend. Get used to thinking out loud, describing your approach. * Check out the new edition of Cracking the Coding Interviewhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/Cracking-Coding-Interview-6th-Programming/dp/0984782850/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8.
Upcoming events
* Hash Codehttp://g.co/hashcode, a team-based programming competition organized by Google for university students and industry professionals across Europe, Middle East and Africa. You pick your team and programming language, we pick a real-life engineering problem to solve.
More questions? Email Jess at uk-tech-students@google.commailto:uk-tech-students@google.com
Jess Safir Google University Programs