Hello all,
Hope you all enjoyed the film night and that those of you that went to the Deloitte meal enjoyed that as well. This week we have our first games night of the year, and our first games night outside of Catz! Be there this Tuesday (NB it is has been rescheduled for Tuesday from Wednesday). Details below.
Also, MEMBERSHIP CARDS HAS ARRIVED!!! So you can collect them at this event!
Cheers, Pete
Games and Networking Night With BoAML Technology http://compsoc.net/termcards/2012/michaelmas/Games_and_Networking_Night_With_BoAML_Technology/
Tuesday 13th November, 18:30 Department Of Computer Science - Room 051
*NB:* The date has changed, it will be on Tuesday not Wednesday due to booking constraints.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BoAML) Technology are sponsoring a LAN Party this term, think everything from Team Fortress 2 to Age of Empires, Dota to Starcraft, Unreal Tournaent to Super Moday Night Combat (and many other multiplayer games, open to suggestions). Once again, pizza and refreshments will be provided, and BoAML will be available to talk to as well.
The Event will start with a small presentation from BoAML Technology (Around 7pm) including a Q&A Session, Networking and information about a competition to win an iPad 3. There will be people there to answer your questions regarding BoAML for the entire event.
Pizza and Drinks will be there.
If you plan on attending you will need to bring a laptop with any games you want to play installed and updated - Catz internet will be too slow to download stuff.
You will also need a LAN cable and probably a power supply for your laptop.
Team Fortess 2 and Super Monday Night Combat are both free to install and play from http://store.steampowered.com/ (you have to install Steam first, though). It is also possible to install TF2 from another computer with it already installed on, we will probably be able to facilitate this but should stress that it is a much better idea to make sure it is installed and up to date beforehand. If there are any other games you'd like to play (and think others will have) bring them along and we might play them too!
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/496746773691574/