Hi all,
It's almost the final week of a very busy CompSoc term. Look forward to:
- the *LAN Night* on Saturday, - the *AGM* on Wednesday where we'll be *electing a new committee* and - the *40th Anniversary Dinner*.
With the vac fast approaching, now's a good time to organise a summer internship. *Ensoft* are recruiting for the internship until *10 am Monday*. All you need is a CV! The Oxford Careers service still have opportunities, many of which are open until March 12.
Otherwise, if you'd like to play around with cloud computing, *Microsoft* are offering *$100 credit* for a free *Azure* account.
Interested in the Blockchain? The Oxford Foundry is hosting a panel who'll be discussing how the Blockchain could transform the world as we know it.
Finally, *congratulations to Oxford HashCode winners Tractor_Specialists*! They came 21st in the world and will be competing in the final at Google Dublin in April. Best of luck!
Enjoy the vac,
*Edward and the rest of the committee* Events Geek Night 7: LAN Night https://www.facebook.com/events/161994861263548/
*19:00 Saturday 7th Week – Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science*
CompSoc will be hosting a *decent* LAN night on Saturday 7th week, with a working LAN, working router and some games to play. Come and enjoy an experience better than the last one. Annual General Meeting https://www.facebook.com/events/199652360770362/
*19:00 Wednesday 8th Week – Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science*
It's *election time* at CompSoc! The 2018–2019 CompSoc executive committee will be elected and, if there are enough keen people, non-executive positions may be created (the role of the new positions may or may not be going to meetings no one else wants to go to). There's no need to come up with a manifesto or have 3–5 years experience being a hack; just turn up on the night and say why you'd be good for the role.
We have two more constitutional amendments to consider:
- Restricting the number of proxy votes to at most two per person. - Requiring the Treasurer to maintain an inventory of CompSoc property so that it comes under the University's insurance.
We'll also be voting on approving the minutes of all meetings made in the last 15 years. The Proctors mandated a new constitution in 2014, which we've only just noticed requires us to formally approve minutes of meetings. CompSoc hasn't done that since 2003, so please email me with any minutes you'd like to see.
There will also be the usual committee reports and pizza, and the return of cheese and wine.
The official, updated agenda is attached. If you want to submit any other motions, email me to add them to the agenda. 40th Anniversary Dinner
*19:00 Friday 8th Week – Foyer B, Ruth Deech Building, St Anne's College*
*It is now too late to get a ticket.*
Don't forget! The drinks reception starts at 19:00 and the dinner itself at 19:30. If you have any special dietary requirements and haven't yet emailed us, do so soon. Geek Night 8
*19:00 Saturday 8th Week – Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science*
This is a small, unofficial Geek Night for those staying down in Oxford. One or two committee members will be present. Sponsor notices Ensoft CV deadline for software development careers
Looking to start a career in technology? Interested in a small company with a great culture, that's also very successful and offers a graduate starting salary of £40,000 from September 2018? Read more below…
We've grown by taking a few of the best Oxbridge graduates each year, and investing heavily in their training. It's an ideal environment for bright, creative people who want to develop rapidly. If you bring the computer science knowledge and coding skills needed to tame Internet-scale complex systems, you can solve challenging problems as part of a world-class software engineering team.
Our application process is very simple:
- Email a CV to recruitment@ensoft.co.uk by *10am on Monday 5th March 2018 (8th week)*. - Interviews (lasting no more than 2 hours) are held on Friday 9th March (8th week) at the Saïd Business School, Park End Street, Oxford. If successful, you'll have a firm offer quickly.
You can find more details on www.ensoft.co.uk/careers https://ensoft.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8658f71b95ede053e3ff45ea9&id=a4c3d14817&e=f945c29757, or get reminders by following us on Twitter (@ensoftuk) or on Facebook (ensoftuk). But you are encouraged to apply soon. Whilst everything is designed to take up as little of your time as we can, it is still very competitive for places. $100 credit with Microsoft Azure for students
Start building the future with Azure get $100 credit when you create your Azure free account at http://aka.ms/azure4students.
No credit card needed; simply verify your student status through your school email address, and you're ready to go. Other notices Internships for computer scientists
Less than two weeks to apply for UK internships via the Summer Internship Programme http://www.careers.ox.ac.uk/the-internship-programme/!
The programme offers hundreds of internships in a range of sectors. We are currently advertising our UK batch of placements, which have an application deadline of March 12th. All placements are exclusive to Oxford University students, and full-time, matriculated students from any year group and degree programme are eligible to apply.
Click here http://www.careers.ox.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/IT-and-Computing-Internships-UK.pdf for a selection of IT and Computing internships, including Android app development, R&D and Coding. See CareerConnect http://www.careers.ox.ac.uk/using-careerconnect/ for the full list and to apply. Students can make two applications through the current batch of placements available. The deadline for UK placements is Monday March 12th 2018. How Blockchain Will Radically Transform our Society https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-blockchain-will-radically-transform-our-society-tickets-43304784777
*17:30–20:00 Wednesday 8th Week – The Oxford Foundry, 3–5 Hythe Bridge Street*
Interested in learning about what Blockchain is capable of, and how it will transform business, work, governance and society? Join us and our distinguished panel for an evening conversation at the Oxford Foundry.
- Ludwig Siegele, Technology Editor at The Economist - Professor Vili Lehdonvirta, the Oxford Internet Institute - Ruth Milligan, Head of Financial Services & Payments Programme at Tech UK - Jason Lacombe, co-founder at Veratrak
- Jack Laing, President of University of Oxford Blockchain Society
The Oxford University Computer Society (CompSoc) aims to organise meetings and events for our members to use and further their computing interests. See all of our upcoming events on our Facebook Page https://facebook.com/oxcompsoc/ or visit our Website https://ox.compsoc.net for more information about the society.