Hello all,
I hope that you've all had a great term and that you're looking forward to a well deserved vacation :).
Last week we had our final Learn to Code session, and I would once again like to thank all the attendees and volunteers that made the course a success. I had great fun teaching it, and I look forward to doing it again next year. If you missed any of the sessions then please check the resources out on GitHub https://github.com/oxcompsoc/learntocode. Over the vacation we will also consider releasing audio recordings from some of the sessions.
This Wednesday we'll be holding our Annual General Meeting and electing a new committee. It is essential that we meet quorum for the election, so please be sure to either come or vote by proxy. If you are interested in standing for a committee position then please feel free to email Matt mailto:president@ox.compsoc.net, Chris mailto:treasurer@ox.compsoc.net, or me mailto:secretary@ox.compsoc.net to find out what the roles entail. Additional roles may be created at the discretion of the new president and secretary.
There will be a semi-official Geek Night this Saturday, feel free to come along for free pizza and drinks.
Have a great week :)
Thomas and the rest of the committee
Annual General Meeting https://www.facebook.com/events/739607626208010/
*Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science - 7pm Wednesday (8th week)*
As well as reports from the existing committee, we'll be electing a new committee; the president mailto:president@ox.compsoc.net, secretary mailto:secretary@ox.compsoc.net, and treasurer mailto:treasurer@ox.compsoc.net roles are all up for election. Feel free to email any of us if you would like to get an idea what the roles entail, but here's a rough summary:
* *President*: ultimately in charge, responsible for event organisation, and relations with sponsors * *Secretary*: shares many responsibilities with the president, along with managing social media, and sending these newsletters * *Treasurer*: keeping track of the accounts, producing termly reports for the proctors, and ordering pizza
All of the committee are responsible for the smooth running of our events, and we all took part in the teaching of Learn to Code this year.
Geek Night 8 https://www.facebook.com/events/396494164039562/
*Undergraduate Social Area, Department of Computer Science - 7pm Saturday (8th week)*
Join us for an evening of relaxing, chatting, games, coding, and the usual selection of food and drinks.
The Oxford University Computer Society (CompSoc) aims to organise meetings and events for our members to use and further their computing interests. See all of our upcoming events on our Facebook Page https://facebook.com/oxcompsoc, Twitter https://twitter.com/oxcompsoc, or visit our website https://ox.compsoc.net for more information about the society.