Hey everyone,
Next up this term we have Movie Night, so meet us in Discord for some (potentially spooky/Halloween?) movie watching. We also have a tech talk from Citadel this Wednesday via Zoom focusing on their business and the roles available, as well as a Q&A panel! See below for more info. Well done to Jan who emerged victorious in our quiz last week (by a pretty large margin!). We also have some messages about events from Boomberg and Citadel so check them out below.
See you soon,
/- Matthew and the rest of the committee/
Movie Night https://www.facebook.com/events/264924044962733/
*19:00, Saturday, Week 3, Discord*
Join us for an online movie night! As usual our members will be voting on the movie, so who it’s up to you to decide what we’ll watch!
Citadel Oxford Information & Networking Session https://www.facebook.com/events/812882702846166/
*19:30, Wednesday, Week 3, Zoom*
Join us to learn more about Citadel & Citadel Securities through a deep dive into our businesses, as well as hearing about our roles available across our full time, internship and spring programmes. We’ll also be hosting a Q&A Panel from our teams within Software Engineering, Quantitative Research and Trading.
Zoom Details: Join here https://citadel.zoom.us/j/93727040530?pwd=UFF1U2VJQWdVMlk4NVIwTDlVeGE3UT09
Meeting ID: 937 2704 0530
Passcode: 041112
Sponsor Notices
*Hashing Uncovered - Bloomberg Tech Talk*
What is it about?
One of our Bloomberg Engineers, Dietmar Kuhl will be uncovering everything Hashing.
Hashing values is an important technique for efficient associative containers. It has multiple independent dimensions of considerations.
None of these considerations are generally well understood. This presentation scratches the surface of the following areas:
* Using hash functions for associative containers. * Hashing byte sequences into hash values and assessing the quality of hash functions. * Extracting byte sequences from values and hashing the resulting byte sequences. * Things to consider for a default hashing function
You can read more about what to expect here https://bloomberg.recsolu.com/external/events/0QQQQffQk-xP1SgQ8iWYgw
When is it?
Date: 3rd November 2020
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
How can you join?
Register here https://bloomberg.recsolu.com/external/events/0QQQQffQk-xP1SgQ8iWYgw and we will send through joining details
*Bloomberg Bpuzzled*
What is Bpuzzled?
Bpuzzled is a puzzle competition created by Bloomberg engineers, where teams (of up to four) use problem solving, creative thinking, and teamwork to solve challenging and intricate puzzles that are logical in nature, similar to those found in escape rooms. The winning teams from various universities will be invited to the Global Round to compete in the finals! Come to participate in some friendly competition and network with Bloomberg.
Click here https://www.youtube.com/embed/BY2PlioESPg?cc_load_policy=1&autoplay=1 to find out more.
When is it?
Date: 11th November 2020 Time: 4:00 pm - 7:30 pm
How can I take part?
Register here https://bloomberg.recsolu.com/external/events/4fDhJNVXf3FxQIC1rWTxRQ. Joining details will be sent through to you closer to the time.
We are looking forward to meeting you all virtually. May the best team win!!
Bloomberg Engineering Campus team
*Trading Simulation Challenge*
Join Citadel & Citadel Securities for our Trading Simulation Challenge, where you will be able to apply your quantitative knowledge to provide an automated solution to the role of a quantitative trader. We’ll be hosting a kickoff event on 5 November to meet our Traders and share pre-learning materials for the simulation, ahead of the challenge itself taking place on 7 November. Submit your applications online by simply sharing your CV online - deadline is 3 November; however invites will be filled on a rolling basis.
Check out the attached flyer for more information.
The Oxford University Computer Society (CompSoc) aims to organise meetings and events for our members to use and further their computing interests. See all of our upcoming events on our Facebook page https://facebook.com/oxcompsoc/ or visit our website https://ox.compsoc.net for more information about the society.
Want to unsubscribe or manage your subscription preferences? Go to http://lists.ox.compsoc.net/mailman/listinfo/.