Hi All,
I hope you're all enjoying that delicious extra hour today (clocks went back in case you didn't know - I didn't!).
This week we have the Bank of America Merill Lynch dinner on Tuesday - to those that have RSVP'd, I will send out an email separately. I have attached details of a competition they are running as well.
On Wednesday we also have our Lightning talks in Catz. Alex has already covered it pretty well in his email on Friday, but just a reminder if you want to give a short talk (on anything computer related) - there will be refreshments afterwards, and we'll buy hall in Catz for everyone (numbers permitting) that lets us know they will be doing a talk in advance.
Read more below to find out about these events and this weeks technology challenge (which is open to anyone, but only members can win prizes) - as well as last weeks solution.
Ben and Alex CompSoc Co-Presidents
The Oxford Computer Society
Lightning Talks: Wednesday 2, 20.15-22.00 St Catz JCR Lecture Theatre Link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=193745284036553
Have you an interesting idea you want to share with a technologically-minded audience, pertaining to computers in general? Test whether you can get your message across in only 5 minutes! Data projectors will be provided.
We do welcome surprise contributions, but it would be lovely if you informed us beforehand regarding your wish to take part. Email committee@ox.compsoc.net with the title of the talk you plan on doing and we'll buy you hall before the talk.
As usual, refreshments will be provided afterwards.
The plan is to meet at St Catz lodge at 20.15 for a 20.30 start in the JCR Lecture theatre.
Here is a handy map for finding Catz: http://g.co/maps/eeut2. If you get truly lost in Catz, you can call Ben on 0754 999 3401.
CompSoc jobs mailing list:
The society receives a number of advertisements each week from companies and individuals interested in employing our members. The jobs range from graduate positions, to a bit of help with another societies website.
If you would like to receive these emails just email compsoc-jobs-request@lists.ox.compsoc.net with 'subscribe' in the subject line.
Bank of America Merill Lynch Optimisation Challenge: Fancy winning an iPad2?
Bank of America Merrill Lynch is launching a coding competition for Oxford Students. The instructions are enclosed in the poster attached.
Submit your code by the 11th of November and take your chances to win an iPad2.
Apply to Bank of America Merrill Lynch via baml.com/campusEMEA The applications deadlines are . 11th November- Full time 2012 Technology Analyst Programme . 16th December - Technology Analyst Internship - summer 2012
Technology Competition: Challenge 4:
This week's challenge follows from the Netcraft talk we had on Wednesday (don't worry, if you weren't there you should be able to solve it still!). There is a vulnerability somewhere in http://compsoc.dartoxia.com - the challenge is to find it and exploit it. As usual, answers can be submitted at http://compsoc.dartoxia.com/answer
Bear in mind that the answer to this challenge isn't that you can DoS the website or that there is a hypothetical vulnerability on some port of my machine.
Anyone (with a .ox.ac.uk email address) can sign up to the competition through the http://compsoc.dartoxia.com website, but only members can receive prizes.
Compsoc.dartoxia.com isn't connected to the compsoc network, and so you will need to make a new account to participate.
For more details about the competition see http://compsoc.net/technology_competition or contact committee@ox.compsoc.net
Technology Competition: Challenge 3 Result:
Congratulations to Katrina Spensley for correctly deducing that the wordsearch was also a simple shift cipher. We will get in touch separately about your prize
Our current membership rates are £5 for life and £3 for a year. Being a member entitles you to free socials, prizes in the technology competition and you can attend (obviously) members only events - such as the upcoming Bank of America dinner. You will also receive a CompSoc membership card!
Membership forms can be downloaded from http://compsoc.net/forms/Compsoc_Membership_Application.pdf - please return them completed and money to a committee member.