Hey Everyone,
Sorry for the second message this week. With the rush of the newsletter on Sunday, I had forgotten to publicise an event from one of our sponsors, Red Gate.
Red gate are not going to be holding an event with us this year, and have requested that we let you guys know about an event that they are holding on Friday.
Hope your second week is going well so far!
Best Wishes, Sam Lanning. /Oxford University CompSoc Secretary/
"*Life, the universe and software development: how software is made in the real world" *
*When:* 19^th Nov at 18.00 *Where:* The Rewley House lecture theatre (map https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1+Wellington+Square,+Oxford,+United+Kingdom&sll=51.757109,-1.262054&sspn=0.043725,0.094929&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1+Wellington+Square,+Oxford+OX1+2JA,+United+Kingdom&z=16) **
Calling all technophiles! Want to know what working in software development is really like in a software development company? We'll tell you all about it; the ups, the downs, the zig zags and all...If you have a passion for coding or technology, and agree that geek is the new black, this is the talk for you.
Two of our previous graduates (1 software engineer, 1 test engineer) will be talking to you about what it's really like to build software outside of the classroom. We'll explain how, at Red Gate Software, we go about taking an idea and launching it into a project, how our teams all hang together and how we get to the end result of a world-class piece of software. Software development is the crux of our business; software is our product, our life-blood, our very soul! So we know what we're talking about...most of the time...we like to think...
We'll also have plenty of information for you on the different kinds of opportunities we have here and the kind of people we seek out to join us. We don't just hire software developers -- we take people from various backgrounds into a range of technical areas such as testing, technical communications and user experience. This talk will probably interest final year comp scis and students from a technical, numerate or scientific background with an interest in technology or programming.
Hi Again Everyone, sorry for the huge amount of Spam email. This event isn't for another month yet, it is *not* on Friday, it's on Mon 19th November.
Best Wishes, Sam Lanning. /Oxford University CompSoc Secretary/
On 10/16/2012 01:33 PM, Sam Lanning wrote:
Hey Everyone,
Sorry for the second message this week. With the rush of the newsletter on Sunday, I had forgotten to publicise an event from one of our sponsors, Red Gate.
Red gate are not going to be holding an event with us this year, and have requested that we let you guys know about an event that they are holding on Friday.
Hope your second week is going well so far!
Best Wishes, Sam Lanning. /Oxford University CompSoc Secretary/
"*Life, the universe and software development: how software is made in the real world"
*When:* 19^th Nov at 18.00 *Where:* The Rewley House lecture theatre (map https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1+Wellington+Square,+Oxford,+United+Kingdom&sll=51.757109,-1.262054&sspn=0.043725,0.094929&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1+Wellington+Square,+Oxford+OX1+2JA,+United+Kingdom&z=16) **
Calling all technophiles! Want to know what working in software development is really like in a software development company? We'll tell you all about it; the ups, the downs, the zig zags and all...If you have a passion for coding or technology, and agree that geek is the new black, this is the talk for you.
Two of our previous graduates (1 software engineer, 1 test engineer) will be talking to you about what it's really like to build software outside of the classroom. We'll explain how, at Red Gate Software, we go about taking an idea and launching it into a project, how our teams all hang together and how we get to the end result of a world-class piece of software. Software development is the crux of our business; software is our product, our life-blood, our very soul! So we know what we're talking about...most of the time...we like to think...
We'll also have plenty of information for you on the different kinds of opportunities we have here and the kind of people we seek out to join us. We don't just hire software developers -- we take people from various backgrounds into a range of technical areas such as testing, technical communications and user experience. This talk will probably interest final year comp scis and students from a technical, numerate or scientific background with an interest in technology or programming.