Hi everyone!
It’s time for the social event of the year: the *CompSoc Annual General Meeting*. On Wednesday we’ll be voting on three exciting motions, and electing the 2020-21 committee. You can see the attached agenda for the full rundown.
If you’d like to run for a committee position (and why wouldn’t you?) then all you need to do is announce your intention on Wednesday, and be prepared to answer some tough questions such as: “how many Meateor pizzas will you order?” and “does P=NP?”.
On Saturday we have our termly LAN party! New this term is the addition of CompSoc's very own VR kit, so come on down if you'd like to check that out!
For those of you attending *Learn to Code*, please remember that the last session is *Tuesday* at 7pm, not Thursday!
If you’re looking for something to do over the summer, the Careers Service have information on their Summer Internship Programme, which you can read about below.
See you on Wednesday!
*- Kate and the rest of the committee* ------------------------------ Events Learn to Code: Session 6 https://www.facebook.com/events/242657080051589/?event_time_id=242659496718014
*19:00, Thursday, Week 7, LTB, Department of Computer Science*
The final Learn to Code session! All the materials can be found here https://github.com/oxcompsoc/learntocode.
Accessibility information: Step-free access is available on request. The lecture theatre has a hearing loop. Annual General Meeting https://www.facebook.com/events/1083061598695760/
*19:00, Wednesday, Week 7, UGSA, Department of Computer Science*
The time has come for the 2020-2021 CompSoc committee to be elected! Any CompSoc member is welcome, and encouraged, to run for any position they like the look of. The committee roles being voted on are:
President: makes sure the society runs smoothly
Vice-President: helps the president with running the society
Secretary: deals with memberships and newsletters
Social Secretary: organises the events
Treasurer: takes care of the bank account
If you want to run for any of the above, all you have to do is be present at the meeting ready to express your motivation for the role.
We’ll also be voting on approving the minutes of meetings from the previous TGM, and any other things people propose. If there’s anything you’d like to see on the agenda, send it our way.
Accessibility information: Step-free access is available on request. The UGSA does not have a hearing loop. LAN Night https://www.facebook.com/events/512920279414427/
*19:00, Saturday, Week 7, UGSA, Department of Computer Science*
Games all night long.
Bring your laptops, we’ll set up a hub for Ethernet for LAN connections. We’ll be playing whatever people want to play!
Accessibility information: Step-free access is available on request. There is no hearing loop available in the UGSA. ------------------------------ Other notices Internship Placements in IT, Computing and Technology!
UK placements available through Oxford University’s exclusive Summer Internship Programme http://www.careers.ox.ac.uk/about-our-internships/ are open for applications! Whether you’re looking for a short-term, project-based placement or immersive work experience over the summer, we have a huge array of placements available to suit you.
The fantastic range of UK opportunities includes the chance to work in charities, TV, start-ups, museums, health and the pharmaceutical industry, marketing, finance, law, education, historic houses….the list is endless! To help you browse and navigate the huge range of opportunities available we have published a list of UK internships by sector https://www.careers.ox.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/UK-Internships-Master-List.pdf, as well as a list of those in IT, Computing and Technology https://www.careers.ox.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/IT-Computing-and-Technology.pdf .
Students can apply for internships through the current batch of UK internships via CareerConnect, with an application deadline of 16 March 2020. More international and UK internships will be available through the programme from 17 March.
Looking for guidance with your application?
The Internship Office offers weekly Application Support Sessions which can be booked through CareerConnect http://www.careers.ox.ac.uk/using-careerconnect/. We also have a comprehensive application support guide https://www.careers.ox.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Application-support.pdf to help you with your application. Stay up to date with our internship programmes by signing up to the Internship Office email alerts http://bit.ly/2hUWOHY and visiting the Internship Office Facebook page. For any questions please email internships@careers.ox.ac.uk. ------------------------------
The Oxford University Computer Society (CompSoc) aims to organise meetings and events for our members to use and further their computing interests. See all of our upcoming events on our Facebook page https://facebook.com/oxcompsoc/ or visit our website https://ox.compsoc.net for more information about the society.
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