Hi everyone,
Thanks to all those who turned up at the Facebook Event last week, we had a great turnout!
This week unfortunately Unity are unable to do their talk so instead we're going to have lightning talks at the same time and place, followed as usual by pizza. We are still interested in having more speakers at this event. Details Below.
On Saturday we are having geek night again as usual.
Also included at the end of this email is a message about a Geek Girl Meetup being held at the Uni.
Cheers, Pete & Sam
Lightning Talks http://ox.compsoc.net/termcards/2013/hilary/Lightning_Talks/
Wednesday 30th January, 18:30 Department Of Computer Science - Lecture Theatre A
*Please Note: The original event that was going to take place at this time had to be canceled. This is the new event*
We are hosting a lightning talks session (a number of 5-10 minute talks packed together one after another). So if you have something computer-related you would like to present to attendees of this event, just send an email over to committee@ox.compsoc.net mailto:committee@ox.compsoc.net letting us know that you're interested, so that we know how many speakers to expect.
The projector will be available for you to use, and of course you dont need to present / talk to attend!
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/151382661681939/
Posted Wed 23 Jan 2013 23:55:32 GMT
Coding Night 3 http://ox.compsoc.net/termcards/2013/hilary/Coding_Night_3/
Saturday 2nd February, 19:00 Department Of Computer Science - Undergraduate Social Area
This event is part of a new series of events that run each weekend. To find out more information, see the coding nights http://ox.compsoc.net/coding_nights/ page.
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/237530619714596/
Posted Sun 27 Jan 2013 16:20:28 GMT
Geek Girl Meetup Oxford
Geek Girl Meetup is holding its first ever University showcase un-conference at Oxford University on February 17th, between 13.00 and 18.00 at the Founders Room in the Said Business School. The afternoon will revolve around empowering more female students that are interested in technology and entrepreneurship.
There will be 8 distinguished female entrepreneurs and technologists that will speak about what it is like to found a company, and go through a product lifecycle (idea, concept, design, development, marketing, financing, and growth). There will also be discussions allowing every participant to share their knowledge with others and ask questions.
Geek Girl Meetup's goal is to create new networks and elevate female role models in the tech industry. Tickets and more information is available here: http://www.geekgirlmeetup.co.uk/2013/01/geekgirlmeetup-at-oxford-university/